Relatively recently, children's development centers have gained immense popularity in Russia. Basically, they specialize in creating a complete parenting system that would be individually suitable for each child.

It is necessary
- - financial investments;
- - the registered charter of the institution;
- - license to conduct teaching activities;
- - the conclusion of the SES and the state fire supervision on the suitability of the premises for placing the center.
Step 1
First of all, to open a center, you will need to register as a legal entity, complete all documents and obtain a license to carry out pedagogical and private activities. All organizational issues are resolved, as a rule, within two to three months.
Step 2
The key point is the choice of premises for the future center. For a small group of 7-8 people, a room of 35-40 square meters will suffice. For individual lessons, you will need smaller, but no less comfortable rooms. The entire territory of your center must be approved by the state supervision and sanitary and epidemiological station. You can familiarize yourself with the regulatory documents in the relevant organizations. It is also important to locate your future enterprise so that it is optimal for the residents of nearby houses.
Step 3
The next step is buying toys, furniture, teaching aids, and other essentials. They should be chosen based on the methods with which the teachers of your center work. It is on personnel that 70% of the success of your enterprise depends. Initially, parents look at the name of the children's center, and, using its services, they are guided by the name of the teacher and his status. Quite often, a situation arises when a teacher changes his place of work, and with him the clients with whom he worked leave the center.
Step 4
In addition to teachers, the staff of your organization must necessarily include an administrator, a caretaker, a psychologist, a speech therapist, methodologists in certain specialties (linguistics, mathematics, etc.), as well as marketing specialists and financiers. It is not necessary to recruit a full staff of employees, be guided by their total workload. In the event that a teacher works only 4-5 hours a week, then it makes no sense to offer him a place in the full staff, it is much more convenient (and more profitable) to offer him a vacancy of a freelance specialist.
Step 5
When opening your own children's center, you should not expect a quick and stable financial return. Your initial costs can range from 250,000 to 500,000 rubles, and most of them will be spent on organizing the premises and advertising the future educational institution. With a competent organization of work, your investment can pay off in one and a half to two years.