Fruit trade seems to be a simple and pleasant affair, in addition, it does not require particularly large initial investments. However, it is necessary to carefully consider all possible bottlenecks in order for this business to be exactly like that.

It is necessary
- - room for a shop;
- - certificate of the opening of the state of emergency;
- - state registration and fire certificate of the premises;
- - shop equipment, including scales and cash register.
Step 1
A business dedicated to the sale of fruits and other fruit and vegetable products is not original, but it does not require large financial investments to start and, at first glance, is quite simple. However, despite the external simplicity and lightness, this business has its own problematic issues.
Step 2
The first thing you need to do to open a store is to find a rental space for the fruit and vegetable trade that provides a sufficient number of visitors. If you do not yet have registration of an individual entrepreneur to conduct this type of activity, register an individual entrepreneur with the local tax authorities.
Step 3
Obtain certificates from the SES and the fire service for the compliance of the premises with sanitary and fire standards (check with the landlord, maybe these permits have already been issued). Contact a company that sells commercial equipment, purchase a cash register and scales and put them in service.
Step 4
Decide on the assortment of products that you plan to sell, based on the location of the store (if you rented a store in a large shopping center, include exotic fruits in the assortment) and the presence of other stores with similar goods nearby. After drawing up the initial assortment, select suppliers for yourself, taking into account the quality and choice of goods, prices, delivery options. Remember, fruit is a specific, perishable commodity, so stipulate daily purchases.
Step 5
Plan the optimal layout of the product, considering that it is better to keep fruits and vegetables not under glass, but in the open. With this in mind, order equipment for the store.
Step 6
And last but not least, is the selection of personnel. Hire salespeople, understanding that it is they who will shape the atmosphere at the point of sale, and the profits are largely determined by the professionalism of the staff.
Step 7
Be prepared for such an unpleasant moment in the fruit trade as spoiled goods. Immediately think over your policy in relation to it: you will try to sell it at the old price (and it slowly deteriorates further) or sharply reduce the price so that later you do not throw away the completely spoiled leftovers. And be sure to include nice little things to attract customers, like free bags.