Blocking of a bank account is most often carried out in connection with a violation of the law by the client or the terms of an agreement with a credit institution. At the same time, special rules regarding the receipt and withdrawal of cash begin to apply.

Account blocking reasons
The possibility of further managing the account largely depends on the reasons for blocking it. One of the most obvious is the end of the term of the client agreement with the bank. In this regard, the service of one or several accounts under the agreement is terminated. In such cases, the client still has the opportunity to receive funds by contacting the bank (where he will also be offered to extend the service by concluding a new agreement), however, all receipts to the non-serviced account in all cases stop (pending transfers will be returned to the senders).
The second common reason for the suspension of services is that the bank has doubts about the legality of the funds received on the account or their source. For example, an account can be blocked if it receives a lump sum of more than 600 thousand rubles: in such cases, the client may be required to document the legality of the funds received (a transaction agreement, sale and purchase agreement, etc.).
Banks are just as suspicious of the receipt of money from the accounts of individual entrepreneurs or legal entities, as well as obtaining loans, the massive purchase and sale of foreign currency. In this case, pay attention to what details and with what notification the funds were sent. If the client manages to confirm the legality of the sources and income, the transparency of the pursued goals is lifted.
On the other hand, if the illegality of the funds transferred is confirmed, the account can be blocked forever, and the client is denied further cooperation. In addition to stopping all receipts, problems arise with the withdrawal of the amount on the blocked account. One way or another, in any situation, the client can contact the bank to find out the reasons for the suspension of service and take the necessary actions to resume it.
How to access a blocked account
Visit the nearest branch of your bank and find out the reason for the denial of service of one or more accounts. Also, read again the agreement concluded with the credit institution: it may stipulate certain conditions for using accounts and receiving funds from them. If any sources are going to transfer money to you in a certain amount, it is better to contact them and find out if the payment went through before the details were blocked.
Request a statement from the bank for closed accounts. If you are still a client, the organization will provide a document from which it will be possible to find out about the amount of funds, including in non-serviced accounts. Also find out if the transfers will be able to go to the blocked details in the future. Depending on the bank, funds may continue to be credited to the corresponding account, but they will not be temporarily debited by the client himself.
To find out the further fate of money on a blocked ruble or dollar account, it is better to ask to personally meet with the head of the Sberbank office or another organization, since ordinary employees do not have sufficient powers to resume service, especially if it was terminated by legislative measures. You can also make an application addressed to the head of the department with a request to unblock the account. In the document, indicate the date and reason for blocking, and then describe in detail for what purposes the details were used, from whom the funds were received.
If the accounts were frozen due to the receipt of amounts from unreliable sources, be sure to attach documents confirming the legality of the funds to the application. This includes certificates in the form 2-NDFL and 3-NDFL, checks from large purchases for business purposes, etc.
Await the bank's decision, which may take up to 30 days. If the return of access to the account was denied even taking into account the evidence provided, you must go to court. File a claim for illegal restriction of consumer rights by attaching copies of the application to the bank and documents confirming the legality of the funds. However, more often than not, the bank's decision remains indisputable, especially if the reliability of the sources of the money has not been properly proven.