Credit cards differ from settlement cards in that the balance on the accounts assigned to them includes not only the client's own money, but also the credit limit provided by the bank. Therefore, the selection of clients wishing to use this product is stricter: they must prove their solvency and meet a number of formal requirements of the bank.

It is necessary
- - passport;
- - document confirming income;
- - confirmation of work experience (if there is no Sberbank salary card with a history of at least six months);
- - an application in the form of a bank;
- - compliance with the requirements for borrowers (age from 21 to 52, not including, for women, and up to 57, not including, for men; registration in the region where the card is issued; total work experience of 1 year over the last 5 years and at least six months for the current workplace).
Step 1
The conditions for the provision of Sberbank credit cards in your region can be found on its website. It will not be superfluous to call the call-center or personally visit the nearest branch of the bank, ask questions of interest, clarify incomprehensible points. It is better to personally come to the branch and ask for a model agreement for a credit card, write out embarrassing and incomprehensible points, ask for clarification.
Step 2
If a decision is made to take a loan, you need to collect a set of documents. There are few of them, but the bank's requirements for them are stricter than many others. So, only 2NDFL certificate is accepted to confirm income. A document in the form of an employer can only be accepted from employees of state organizations who are not required by law to obtain such certificates. An exception is also for pensioners: they only need a document on the accrued pension from the Pension Fund.
If the pension is accrued through Sberbank, then a certificate is not needed.
Step 3
If your salary has been transferred to a Sberbank card for at least the last six months, nothing more is required from you. The rest is more difficult. The bank wants to see a copy of a work book with at least five years of experience, certified by the employer or a page-by-page copy of the employment contract certified by him.
Entrepreneurs are required to have the original certificate of state registration in the appropriate status and its notarized copy, and from the lawyer - the original certificate. If the entrepreneur has licensed activities, the originals and notarized copies of the licenses will be required.
Step 4
With a ready-made package of documents, contact the Sberbank branch and fill out the proposed application form there.
Within three working days after accepting the documents, the bank will inform you whether it gives you a loan, and if so, for what amount. If the decision is positive, you will also be assigned a time when you can pick up the finished card.