In the wake of the crisis at the end of 2014, Russians were seriously worried about the safety of their savings. It is not for nothing that the most popular query was the following: "Where to invest your money." Indeed, the issue of investment remains particularly relevant in the new 2015, given that the unstable political and economic situation persists. During a crisis, it is important for an investor not so much to increase as to preserve their capital. Even if these are small savings, in the range of 100,000 rubles, I would not want to lose them. It should be noted that not all standard investment instruments will give the required profitability in the new year, and the previously unpopular ones will take the leading role.

Step 1
Bank deposits
This investment method is considered the most stable and conservative. But not profitable. Of course, in December 2014, after raising the refinancing rate, banks significantly increased interest on ruble deposits - up to 22-25% per annum, but in general, the average interest rate is kept at 15-18% per annum. This measure is intended to help attract depositors, and this is indeed the case. But even this interest rate slightly exceeds the level of inflation in the country, which has become simply catastrophic during the crisis.
So bank deposits are for investors with very large capital that they want to keep. Experts advise to split the available amount into three parts - and open a multi-deposit in rubles, dollars and euros. So, by diversifying risks, you can protect yourself from a fall in the exchange rate of one of the currencies or even its depreciation.
By the way, the state insures deposits of up to 1, 4 million rubles (or the equivalent at the current exchange rate in foreign currency). So it is better to hedge yourself and choose the bank where the deposit insurance system operates. Then, in case of bankruptcy or revocation of the bank's license, the state compensates the losses to the depositors.
Step 2
Investments in gold and other precious metals
During the crisis, prices for precious metals and raw materials usually rise as investors try to buy more of them - gold and silver have always been famous for their liquidity. However, during the 2014 crisis, prices for precious metals fell. In 2015, experts expect a reversal. So, if you buy a few kilograms of gold or silver in a timely manner and resell them as soon as prices rise, you can make good money.
The most common investments are in gold - it is associated with stability and wealth. More sophisticated investors buy silver, platinum, and even aluminum.
It is better for a private person who does not have large savings not to buy physical gold or other metal, since the correct storage of bullion is a rather complex and specific task. The option to "put gold in a safe deposit box" is bad because the rental price is high enough, and it is not a fact that the potential profit will cover the costs.
So for a private investor with a small capital, it is most profitable to open an impersonal metal account. Many banks, for example Sberbank, provide an opportunity to do this to their customers right in the online service office (in this case, in the online Sberbank virtual office).
OMC are the same precious metals, only they are at the investor's disposal virtually. Physically, they are in the vault of the bank, and you can reclaim them from the vaults at any time. But are these problems with transportation and storage only necessary? It's easier to use internet services and buy virtual gold.
Step 3
Buying securities: stocks and bonds
The purchase of securities has two purposes: long-term investment to receive dividends, and short-term investment for subsequent resale, in other words, speculation on the difference in quotations. In any case, an investor is required to have a thorough knowledge of the market, a competent selection of a portfolio of conservative and aggressive securities, and the right choice of a manager.
It is impossible for an individual to purchase securities. This is done through a broker - an individual or a company with an appropriate license. Now, in the period of falling prices of domestic shares, it is an excellent opportunity to collect an impressive package of Russian securities in the hope that in 2015 the index of the Moscow Exchange will increase.
Step 4
Investing in mutual funds
Since buying and selling securities on your own requires a lot of experience, and this is a rather risky undertaking, it is better to entrust it to professionals. There are special organizations - mutual funds, which invest in securities at a professional level. The level of profitability of mutual funds depends on several factors, including the liquidity of the selected securities, the level of development of the section of the economy in which the shares rotate, falling into a trend - that is, the correct game on increasing or decreasing the value of shares, and so on.
The average level of profitability of mutual funds is declared at the level of 40-45% per annum, but the actual figure can be much less and much more. For example, at the end of 2014, many mutual funds, showing good results throughout the year, “sagged” due to the fall in Russian securities.
Investing in mutual funds does not guarantee constant profit, so you need to carefully choose a management company, find out which assets are traded on, assess how promising the financial instruments used by the company are, and only then trust it with your money.
In this case, it also makes sense to diversify risks and invest in several mutual funds of different directions. By the way, there are mutual funds with banks. Mutual funds managed by VTB24 and Sberbank show good profitability.
Step 5
Buying a property
Investing in real estate is a controversial investment in 2015. There are reasons that due to the lack of money from the population and the continuation of active construction in Russia, the real estate market will "sag" and investors will lose a significant part of the potential profit.
On the other hand, the profit will be lost, not the asset itself. Moreover, renting out commercial real estate is still a profitable business. So serious businessmen continue to buy real estate, but do not resell it, but lease it.
Investments in real estate abroad may become a hot topic in 2015, given the instability of the ruble and the potential growth of the dollar and euro exchange rates. If the growth of foreign currency continues, then it can give a good profit in rubles. And investments in real estate will insure against inflation in the country of its location.
Step 6
Investing in start-ups (venture business)
Offline and online, the venture business model is gaining popularity. This is when business owners or business idea authors are looking for investors to translate their goals into reality. Most often, venture business is more often understood as investing in a business idea or at the very initial stage.
Such projects require significant financial investments, and one project may have several investors. The profit from the start-up is distributed between them in proportion to the share of investment in the business. Usually, investors receive 40-50% of the profits of the author of the project.
Such a system is somewhat similar to crowdfunding, but unlike voluntary donations, contributors to a business idea get a good profit.
The profitability of some start-ups reaches 1000% per year, but you need to invest in such projects with caution. Such a fabulous profit is brought by a maximum of one in ten projects.
Step 7
Acquisition of a stake in a business
This is akin to investing in start-ups, with the only difference that investors are investing in an existing business. For example, a business owner decided to expand the range of products or to use a new outlet.
Acquisition of a share in a business is carried out mainly through the purchase of a large block of shares or the redemption of a share. It can be done offline or online. On the Internet, for example, it can be a buyout of shares on the Shareholder site - a project of the Webmoney payment system. These shares can be sold if their value rises, or you can keep them in your own property, receiving dividends and participating in the management of the company.
Step 8
Investing in PAMM accounts
This is a new and most promising type of investment in 2015. It involves placing funds in trust in an account with a trader on the Forex financial market.
To put it simply, Forex is an international financial and foreign exchange market, an analogue of a stock exchange, only on the Internet. And as in any such enterprise, not everyone succeeds in working on Forex. Most go broke within the first year. But there are several managers who have been successfully working for a long time. After a while, they create an open investment account, where private individuals - investors can put their money. Now managers have more money and can make more profitable transactions. The investor at the end of the trading period can withdraw his money along with interest.
What is the benefit to the manager? He makes a public offer - that is, the conditions for investing in his account. As a rule, he takes for himself 25-50% of the profit that the investor received.
The risks in this type of investment are great. The manager can easily lose a significant part of the capital - then the investor will also suffer losses. But it is in the manager's interests to quickly get out of the drawdown into profit - after all, he also loses money, and if he is a professional trader, then his earnings depend on this.
PAMM accounts differ in their aggressiveness. The most profitable are the most aggressive, they can bring investors up to 100% income per year. Moderate ones bring about 40-60% per year, and conservative ones - 20-40% per year.
You can use various investment methods, for example scalping - entering the manager's PAMM account when it is in a drawdown, and exiting at the peak of profitability. Then you can significantly increase your capital.
Investments in PAMM accounts are made through special brokers. The most famous are Alpari, Forex-Trend, Pantheon-Finance.
Step 9
Participation in P2P lending
This is another promising way of investing in 2015 - P2P lending, that is, issuing microloans directly to borrowers. Individuals cannot issue loans directly to individuals. However, there are certain platforms on the Internet that allow people to lend money to each other at interest. As a reward, such a site takes a part of the reward - usually 40-50% of the profit. At the same time, the site provides additional options: insures loans, searches for debtors if they refuse to return money, and provides consulting support.
The essence of microcrediting is as follows: people apply to the site for a microloan of several thousand - for example, to "hold out" until the salary or to expand the business. The interest rate is about 1% per day. About 30% comes out per month. Considering that part of the profit is taken by the site, where the applications of borrowers and lenders are combined, there remains 15-20% per month, or about 180-240% per year!
This type of investment is very risky, since the percentage of non-repayment of microcredits in Russia is the highest in the world. However, such investments are considered to be the most profitable. According to experts, microfinance organizations earn up to 1000% per annum if they issue loans at 3% per day.
The main thing in this type of investment is to choose a suitable platform, which will insure the investor's deposits so that at least the body of the loan will be returned to him, and will provide quality communication between the participants in the process, and will not go bankrupt due to an incorrect marketing strategy. In Russia, the pioneer of this type of investment and so far the only promising participant is the webtransfer-finance social network.