A difficult life situation always arises out of nowhere, it is impossible to be ready for the blows of fate. A small amount of material assistance can sometimes give a person the opportunity to stabilize his situation and give strength for his future life.

Step 1
Material assistance can be provided by the state. People who are in dire need of this type of payment need to obtain a certificate of family composition. After receiving the certificate, make copies of your passport. Attach documents confirming a difficult financial situation (divorce certificate, non-payment of alimony, disability and others). If there is a need for treatment, include in the package of documents a list of prescribed medications and procedures, and also indicate their cost. Take a statement from your employer about your wages and attach a copy of your passbook, if any. Contact the social welfare office that may have the authority to pay material assistance. Employees will answer all your questions and help you to correctly collect the package of documents. Financial assistance from the state is paid in a lump sum and not more often than once a year.
Step 2
The employer can also provide material assistance, only if the employee is officially registered and has a corresponding entry in the work book. Contact your superiors directly and explain the current situation and the reason for the situation. Collect a package of documents that will prove the difficult financial situation (documents from the hospital, police or fire department). If we are talking about a child, then in the package of documents, be sure to include certificates about the child's health, non-payment of alimony or disability. In each case, the package of documents will be different. Contact the accounting department for an explanation and a list of necessary certificates and documents. When everything is ready, submit the papers to the management, since only the director can consider and make a decision.
Step 3
Students are also eligible for financial aid. This scholarship is paid monthly, but it is necessary to provide evidence that help is really needed. Pupils brought up in single-parent families, orphans, children from large families, or when one or both parents are pensioners can count on it. Gather a package of documents, which include income statements for all family members, medical documents (if any treatment is needed), a list of drugs and their cost. Write an application addressed to the rector and submit the complete package of documents to the secretariat. Open a bank account in advance, order a plastic card to which the assistance will be transferred.