The tax system appeared along with the state. The existence of the state is closely related to taxes, since without them it cannot function. The need to pay taxes is enshrined in law, but many of us wonder how much the state needs tax revenues and whether they are needed at all.

Step 1
So, you pay taxes, because without them our state cannot provide its basic functions, such as defense and defense of the country, fighting crime, providing citizens with free medical care and education. Timely tax payments and sufficient tax payments ensure the security, financial stability and independence of the state.
Step 2
The taxes that we pay go to budgets of different levels and form its income items. Then the state distributes the received amounts in various directions. Taxes must be paid not only by individuals, but also by enterprises and organizations.
Step 3
The taxes that went to the budget are spent in several directions:
- financing of law enforcement agencies;
- maintenance of state institutions (hospitals, schools, kindergartens, etc.);
- ensuring the security of the state, including the maintenance of the army;
- financing of government programs;
- Subsidizing the sphere of housing and communal services;
- maintenance of the state administration apparatus;
- construction of social facilities and landscaping;
- pension provision of citizens. These are just some of the areas for spending budget funds. But they already allow us to draw a conclusion about the need to pay taxes.
Step 4
Taxes have a number of important functions. The main one is the fiscal one. Thanks to it, revenues of budgets of different levels and extra-budgetary funds are generated. Taxes perform a distributive function, i.e. different amounts of income are taxed differently. Thanks to this function, the population's income is redistributed. In addition, taxes regulate social relations. With their help, the state supports the most significant sectors of the economy and slows down the rates of development that are not in demand.