To many motorists who have decided to start earning money as a private driver, it seems that this is quite simple. They don't take into account the cost of gasoline and repairs to their car, as well as the huge competition in passenger transport.

Step 1
Before you start doing a private taxi, think carefully about your venture. If you have another job, then do not opt for a private cab. Because the income from this type of activity is unstable, and the risks of unforeseen circumstances that can bring your profits to zero are quite high. Try to make a private taxi a secondary type of income, with the help of which you can patch up holes in the family budget or buy a certain thing. Remember that if you are engaged in a private taxi professionally and make it your main activity, then you need to take into account the cost of car repairs, gasoline, as well as your safety during night transportation of passengers. Also, remember that this type of activity is illegal because you do not pay tax to the state on your income.
Step 2
Remember that there is a lot of competition between private taxi drivers (the so-called "bombils"). Especially when it comes to working at nightclubs, expensive restaurants, train stations or airports. Remember, you can't just go to places like this and wait for customers. There is a queue and an established order of work, violating which, you can lose not only the integrity of your car, but also health. Getting into such a queue is quite difficult and, most likely, someone will have to pay a certain percentage for parking in such lucrative places.
Step 3
Start earning money by private cabs at metro stations, or by driving around the city in search of voting passengers. Remember that working at night, when the metro is closed and public transport is no longer running, you can announce the price for passenger transportation more than during the day. Since you do not have a taximeter, determine the correct fare for the carriage of passengers. Take 20-25 rubles for each kilometer of the way. To determine the tariff, you will need a good knowledge of the city and the distance to one point or another. Buy a GPS navigator for better orientation and shorter routes. This will save you money on gas and your time.
Step 4
Do not bargain with passengers if you are driving empty. the passenger may refuse, and you will lose at least some funds. Also, do not argue with passengers if you see that they travel along the route frequently. They know the local fare better than you do and will leave in a different car if you refuse. Remember that after 20.00 there is a lot of competition among the bombers, because many leave to earn extra money for a couple of hours after their main job. It is not worth working during peak hours. More money will be spent on gasoline due to traffic jams.