A bank deposit at 20-22% per annum is very tempting. The nuance is that such a deposit is opened only through the IIS. Is there a difference between an individual's open deposit in a bank and through an individual investment account? How profitable is the offer? Consider all the risks of such an investment and the specifics of taxation.

Some Russian banks offer ruble deposits at 20-22% per annum. It would seem an advantageous offer, because the average rate usually fluctuates between 7-9% per annum. Deposits are one of the safest types of investment, as they are subject to insurance. The common population knows much more about them, and, accordingly, they cause more trust. But for such deposits there is one condition: you need to open a deposit in the bank through IIS. And here are its subtleties.
Features of opening a deposit through IIS
Firstly, it is important to clarify that the rate of 20-22% is made up of 7-9% per annum on the deposit and 13% in the form of a tax deduction from the state, if a type A IIA is opened. In fact, this is an ordinary deposit with an average rate and its high profitability is due precisely to the tax deduction.
On the one hand, the offer is profitable. Individual deposits are covered by insurance for an amount of up to 1, 4 million rubles. Income tax is charged only if the interest on the deposit exceeds the key rate + 5%. Since the interest on deposits has been significantly reduced due to the increase in insurance premiums to the DIA, this threshold is almost never exceeded. The key rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is constantly changing. On average, it is 10%, but in 2018 it is expected to decrease to 7-8%. In any case, 15% (10 + 5) is higher than 7-9% on the deposit, and no tax is paid. There's also a tax deduction to boot. One solid benefit.
And this is where the fun begins. The contribution made through the IIS most often falls under trust management. The MC is a legal entity, and no longer falls under deposit insurance. Moreover, the deposit may fall into the so-called "notebooks", that is, it may not be reflected at all on the bank's balance sheet. As a result, an open deposit in a bank through IIS is no longer a safe investment. For its services, the management company will take 1.5-2% of the profit, which means that the profitability will decrease.
Since IIS is of type A, then personal income tax (13%) will be calculated on income. This deposit no longer falls under the previously mentioned taxation, since it was opened not by an individual, but through an investment account.
Alternative to deposits
In addition to bank deposits, there are other conservative instruments with higher returns and lower risks. For example, federal loan bonds (OFZ). These are securities issued by the government to cover the budget deficit. They can be federal or local government. Their profitability is not very high, but they are not taxed. An excellent option for type A IMS.
Or another option is coupon bonds from reliable commercial companies. This is a debt security, that is, the organization borrows money, pledging to pay its face value and the interest due by the end of the term. The yield on them is unlikely to exceed 9-10%, but such securities are liquid. Unlike deposits, bonds can be sold and even profited from speculation.
Thus, it is unprofitable and risky to open a deposit in a bank through IIS, because the bank can go bankrupt. If it is necessary to use extremely conservative instruments, then OFZs and bonds of reliable commercial companies with a yield of 9-10% per annum are preferable.