YandexMoney and WebMoney are currently the largest and most popular electronic payment systems among Russian users. Each of them has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, although in general the principles of their use are quite similar.

How to use YandexMoney
YandexMoney is the very first and largest domestic electronic payment system, a product of Yandex. To start using it, you just need to create an email account on the Yandex mail service, and then register your Yandex wallet. This is done in just a few minutes, and the owner of a new YandexMoney account receives the status of an unidentified user. The latter means that there are some restrictions on transactions in YandexMoney.
In general, the functionality of the Yandex wallet is quite wide, and it is extremely convenient to use it. It can be used to pay in many online stores and pay for online services, money can be withdrawn from an electronic wallet to ordinary bank cards or accounts, make transfers in the Contact system, as well as transfer funds to Yandex wallets of other users of the system.
YandexMoney is a quick registration, a minimum of personal data provided from the account owner and a fairly wide range of functionality. However, there is also a disadvantage - the vulnerability of the system to fraudsters.
However, the YandexMoney system has a significant drawback - its vulnerability: fraudsters often get to YandexMoney and, unnoticed by the account owner, withdraw small amounts from electronic accounts. The only way of protection offered by the system is the voluntary desire of wallet owners to receive SMS confirmations for all operations performed. However, the method is quite effective, but some users neglect it and, as a result, become easy money for phishers - network pickpockets.
How to use WebMoney
Webmoney is a fairly old global electronic payment system from the point of view of the development of the Internet. It differs from YandexMoney in the ability to have wallets not only in rubles, but also in dollars, as well as euro-wallets and some other currencies.
A striking feature of WebMoney is a more thorough system of registration, authorization and internal certification. However, precisely because of this, webmoney wallets are much less likely to be hacked than YandexMoney accounts.
The functionality of WebMoney is even greater: at least, this web currency can be used to pay in most foreign online stores, while YandexMoney is not intended for this. Money can be withdrawn to a card or bank account in the same way, pay for various services and online services, transfer to other users' webmoney wallets.