Taking someone else's credit for yourself - what an absurd proposal! Who willingly wants to pay a debt for an irresponsible borrower? But this is only at first glance. In fact, sometimes taking on someone else's obligations can be beneficial to all parties - the borrower, the buyer and the bank. An unscrupulous borrower will get rid of an unbearable credit burden, the bank will get a new client, and, as a result, a monthly interest. The buyer is also not offended. In his "string bag" a loan with pre-crisis rates.

Step 1
It is most profitable to buy real estate loans. Although the mortgage rate has decreased, it has not reached the pre-crisis level. Therefore, when deciding to buy an apartment on credit, carefully study all the options for assignment. They can be found both on the Internet and by contacting a specific bank. It is better to buy a loan without delays, otherwise the bank may require you to pay off this debt before buying. Some banks ask you to deposit 10 percent of the total loan amount.
Step 2
In order to take on someone else's debt, you must provide all the same documents as for obtaining a standard mortgage loan. Then you should write a statement about your desire to become a new borrower. If you buy real estate, attach all the documents for this object, a car - do not forget the technical passport.
Step 3
The main difficulty that you will face is the lack of a suitable option. This market in our country is still new and is not yet overflowing with offers. On one side of the scale there is a favorable cost, on the other - an unfortunate location, inappropriate layout, old repairs. Or the wrong make of the car, the wrong year of production, poor technical condition - if you dream of getting your own car.
Step 4
Option found, but the bank refuses? Do not despair and do not rush to give up on a profitable offer. In this case, the original borrower should complete the entry of a new guarantor - you. After that, the borrower declares himself bankrupt, and you, as a guarantor, undertake to repay the loan for him. In return, you require a general power of attorney for the pledged property. But such a step is legally risky. At the end of the payment period, you will need to reissue the collateral into your property There were cases when an unscrupulous borrower simply revoked the power of attorney and returned the collateral back.
Step 5
It is possible to become the owner of someone else's yoke at will from the very beginning. It is enough to get a loan for relatives or friends for yourself. Never, under any circumstances, agree to such adventures. Anyone, even the most responsible person, is not immune from life's circumstances. In which case, you will have to deal with the bank employees. And, no matter how offensive it is, you will also have to pay the entire loan amount.