Lending loans is often directly related to business. There are those who develop thanks to loans, rely on them, which means they are directly related to them. However, lending is a business in itself and for many it can become a business.

Here you need to have significant capital to give it to use, official permission and good legal awareness to conclude competent contracts. You should also understand what guarantees are required to receive funds back. After all, guarantees by themselves are not taken from the ceiling. That is, how exactly the refund mechanism will operate.
The start-up capital requirements have diminished with the advent of online lending opportunities in the business space. Here you can issue micro-loans, that is, in small portions for a short period, and thus increase your capital.
This scheme works, if you do not pull funds out of it, according to the principle: issuing money, receiving funds with interest (more amount), issuing money from the amount received back, and so on. Thus, the volume of the amount in circulation will constantly increase. However, here you need to keep in mind the need to make a profit, that is, some part must still be taken in order to avoid a situation of money that makes money in order to make money again.
And the second point is the issue of risks. It is more difficult to control the other side online, so there must be guarantees here. Perhaps a guarantee of large financial projects or portals. Possibly more interest rate. Various schemes of cooperation with banks through the online banking system are also being considered. However, for the guarantees and success of a business, despite all the virtuality, it must be officially registered.