How To Interest An Investor

How To Interest An Investor
How To Interest An Investor

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Starting your own business is impossible without initial investment. But, as a rule, a novice businessman does not have enough own funds for this. Therefore, it is necessary to attract investors, and this must be done competently.

How to interest an investor
How to interest an investor


Step 1

Find an original idea. Make sure someone else hasn't already done what came to your mind. In the modern world of innovative ideas, it is necessary to interest the novelty and non-standard approach to solving problems and meeting the needs of a potential client.

Step 2

Determine who can be your potential investors. Make a list of companies and people who might potentially want to invest their money in your idea.

Step 3

Present your idea to a potential investor. The most suitable way is to present your idea at a specialized forum or other similar event, because it is at them in one place and at the same time that many people gather, ready to invest their money in innovative ideas. Remember that your presentation should be clear, intelligible, descriptive and, if possible, concise. Be prepared to answer follow-up questions.

Step 4

Begin to take any action even before you ask someone for money. If an investor sees that you are not only talking, but also acting, he will treat you more favorably.

Step 5

Get the recommendation of a reputable third party whose opinion can positively influence your potential investor. These may be those investors whom you have already managed to attract, other entrepreneurs, lawyers and accountants, professors.

Step 6

Be honest. Talk about both the strengths and weaknesses of your project. Demonstrate that you know about the existence of competitors, as well as their advantages over you and, most importantly, your advantages over them.

Step 7

Maintain contact with the investor after the presentation. Contact him within 24 hours, send additional information that he requested on your project. Even if this person does not agree to invest his money in your idea, he can shine you with the right people.

Step 8

Remind yourself periodically. But not just like that, for no reason (it will look obsessive), but in connection with your successes and achievements (then it will already be persistence). Even if the investor didn't agree to work with you right away, your persistence in achieving the goal can convince him over time.
