What Is Control As A Management Function

What Is Control As A Management Function
What Is Control As A Management Function

The management of any enterprise has to take into account many factors in their activities, both external and internal. Not all plans are being fulfilled as planned. Employees, solving the assigned tasks, can make unintentional mistakes or withdraw themselves from the duties assigned to them. That is why the manager has to perform control functions on a daily basis.

What is control as a management function
What is control as a management function

What is control for?

The activities of an organization, be it a business structure or a government institution, are constantly taking place in a changing environment. One of the functions of the management apparatus is to take into account such changes and make adjustments to production processes. At the same time, the manager needs to properly organize the staff and motivate him to perform current and future tasks.

Regular and planned control over the activities of subordinates is an integral function of management. In this way, you can timely identify shortcomings in the work of employees, detect errors and miscalculations. Not all disruptions in the operation of an enterprise are due to erroneous actions of personnel. Sometimes the mistakes are made by the managers themselves, for example, by distorting the meaning of orders coming from above.

Control from the position of management is a clear and well-thought-out system of measures to verify the correctness of the execution of instructions and orders of the management. This concept also includes monitoring the strict performance of employees of their functional duties. In an organization where a significant part of the work is performed by people, and not by machines and mechanisms, control is directly related to the concept of power and administrative regulation of activities.

Control as a function of management

The task of the control system is to establish some standards by which employees must be guided in their activities. For control to be effective, benchmarks are needed by which the manager can assess the performance of each employee. The difference between the standard and the achieved performance should be the basis for amending work processes.

Control functions in management come into force already at the stage of planning the organization's activities. When drawing up work plans for departments, managers should provide for verification activities in them, indicating the timing of their implementation and the person responsible for implementation. The planned nature of control makes it possible to conduct an audit of activities not from case to case, but in a systematic way.

The ultimate goal of control is to achieve a state of affairs in which the management of the organization is focused on the most effective implementation of performance indicators. When planning control activities, the manager must take into account the psychological characteristics of individual employees and the team as a whole. An improperly constructed system of inspections can negatively affect personnel, can lead to a decrease in motivation and an increase in tension.
