How To Make A Bouquet Of Money

How To Make A Bouquet Of Money
How To Make A Bouquet Of Money

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How can you pleasantly surprise your family and friends with a gift? At any celebration, be it an anniversary, birthday or wedding, you can impress with your present. The main thing is to present it correctly. Such a masterpiece as a bouquet of money is perfect as an original gift. You can decorate it with sweets if you want, but you don't have to throw it away, since the technique of creating such a bouquet keeps money in a fairly tidy state.

How to make a bouquet of money
How to make a bouquet of money

It is necessary

  • - banknotes;
  • - toothpicks;
  • - wire or long skewers;
  • - green scotch tape or electrical tape;
  • - artificial flowers;
  • - cork from wine or champagne;
  • - scissors;
  • - candy;
  • - wrapping paper (optional).


Step 1

To create such a masterpiece, select new crispy bills. Prepare all the necessary equipment and materials. For the base of the flower, a foam blank or a regular cork is suitable. You can also use artificial flower bases.

Step 2

The cork will act as the base of the buds on which the bills are held. First, make a few steps so that the rubber bands are fixed on it. These will be the simplest rubber bands you will need for your bindings.

Step 3

Take a toothpick and twist all the corners of the bill inward. This will be an imitation of an opened bud. The number of bills will depend on the size of the bouquet. This action should be performed with all bills.

Step 4

Next, fold the used bill in half, so that the folded corners are on top. Thread the elastic in the middle, and then wrap it over the top of the cork. Perform this manipulation with all bills. In this case, they should be fixed in two on each tier. Fasten until the bud itself is finished.

Step 5

Disassemble the artificial flower to finish working with the bud. Insert your piece into the sepal. In order for the bud to hold, coat the cork from below with glue. If the cork does not fit into the bowl, cut it off with a knife, or, alternatively, pin the cork on the stem of the flower and seal it on top with green colored paper.

Step 6

Create a bouquet of buds, the number of which will depend on the size you want. You can add candy for decoration. Take a wire or skewer and wrap it with green tape. Then cut out squares about 15 centimeters from the gift paper. Roll up the paper bags, fixing them with tape, then put the candy there, close. Stick the skewer into the little bag.

Step 7

Collect a bouquet of cash flowers, secure with green tape. Then use your flight of imagination. The bouquet can be wrapped in paper or a net for flowers, use twigs for decoration. Also, for beauty, you can take a glass, having previously put in it the so-called oasis for fastening flowers. Wrap the cup with pretty paper, finishing off with a satin ribbon of any color to match the wrapping paper.
