Home, family, entertainment, transportation - there are always a lot of expenses. It is only important to learn how to properly distribute funds. Then, even with a small budget, life will not be devoid of bright colors.

There are periods in life when little money comes to the budget, and you need to live on them for a whole month. Moreover, it is not just to live, but to feed the family, pay the rent, buy medicines and much more. At such moments, panic rolls in. However, don't focus on panic attacks. Drop these silly thoughts: “I cannot live like this. I will not survive. What is the use of this hysteria? That's right, it's not there. So, when you overcame yourself and calmed down, it is worth thinking about the question of how to distribute funds so that everyone is happy and satisfied, and at the same time at the end of the month you do not have to borrow money from a neighbor, friend or relative.
First, write down the so-called compulsory expenses and set aside money for them right away. This can be: payment of utilities, Internet, telephone communications, contributions to schools and kindergartens, and much more. Simply put, mandatory spending is the amount you consistently spend on a monthly basis.
Second, think about nutrition. Again, it's worth planning out your menu. It is best to make a plan for the week. Then check if there are products at home that are included in the recipes for the planned dishes and if they are enough to feed the family. Usually, there are various cereals, pasta, flour, seasonings in stocks - this is something that you may not have to buy. Skip expensive meals and buy inexpensive but high quality foods that you need.
Third, do not forget about entertainment, otherwise such an existence can drive you into depression. Let it be the most budgetary or even free entertainment that you can go with the whole family and have a great time.
Fourth, think about whether you can earn some money elsewhere and bring some money into your budget to offset the costs. Look for work from home or some small side jobs in town that won't take up a lot of your personal time.
Thus, you can easily get through this difficult period without unnecessary hassle for yourself and your family.