Personnel Management Styles

Personnel Management Styles
Personnel Management Styles

A manager at an enterprise or in a company adheres to some chosen style of interaction with subordinates - he can be strict and demanding, democratic and even gentle with his subordinates.

Management of the company
Management of the company

Psychologists distinguish three main styles of subordinate leadership: authoritarian, democratic and liberal. At the same time, they note that these styles cannot be divided into good and bad, each management style has both positive and negative sides. And it is worth applying this or that management principle depending on the efficiency of the employees, the cohesion of the team, the type of activity performed. Moreover, good directors and top managers combine all types of leadership, without giving preference to any one. Any style of personnel management can both raise the economic performance of the company, and cause protest from employees, worsening the general state of affairs. The success of management depends primarily on the behavior of the leader himself, his attitude towards his subordinates.

Authoritarian management style

This management style is also called directive. He is characterized by tough and domineering behavior of the leader, high exactingness and strict control in relation to subordinates. All power in the company belongs to the head; for making decisions, he can consult with a small circle of trusted persons. All other employees cannot influence decisions even on the smallest issues. A commanding tone prevails in management, the interests of the company are put much higher than any interests of its subordinates. In such a company, there is strict discipline, followed by mandatory punishment for late arrivals, non-observance of the dress code and other violations. This management style exists on the fear of subordinates, on the psychological impact on them, but it can lead to a decline in the employee's initiative and responsibility, when, without the absence of strict control, they will not be able to work independently.

Democratic management style

In a democratic management style, the role of the employee in the company is very important. The employee is perceived as a valuable resource that, under favorable working conditions, can bring great profits to the company. Therefore, the interests of employees are taken into account in the company's management policy. Communication with a democratic leadership style occurs through advice, requests and wishes for employees, only in rare cases orders are issued. Employee management occurs through motivation and reward, not intimidation and punishment. The manager distributes powers between his deputies and heads of departments, and they delegate tasks to employees. There is no one-man principle of management, each employee can make his proposal to the management, and it will be considered.

Liberal management style

With a liberal management style, the leader does not interfere in the affairs of the team and takes only a small part in the management of employees. Such a leader does not distribute tasks and does not give orders to subordinates until he receives directives from above. He doesn't like taking responsibility, risking his position, or looking bad in the eyes of employees. Such a leader does not take part in resolving emerging problems and conflicts in the team, he lets the work take its course. A liberal management style is great for employees who are highly motivated and self-sufficient. But it is sometimes useful to apply elements of this style in any company, so that employees more creatively and freely approach the solution of some problems, do not dump responsibility on one leader, and show initiative.
