Every year the number of cars on our roads is growing, and at the same time, the demand for auto parts, including tires, is increasing. In addition, tires, even of high quality, are subject to fairly rapid wear and tear, so opening a tire shop is a fairly profitable business, practically unaffected by crisis situations.

Step 1
Before you open a tire store, decide on the state of affairs in the market. Perhaps in your city there is already a large store specializing in the sale of such a product. This means that you will make a worthy competitor to him. If there is no such center, you can safely start creating. But remember that you will be competing with auto parts stores. After all, they also sell tires, albeit in small quantities.
Step 2
Try to acquire a number of advantages over your competitors: offer for sale a wider and higher quality assortment of goods, provide an individual approach to each client, introduce a system of orders and discounts. Be sure to draw up a business plan for your future tire store.
Step 3
Then register as a legal entity or individual entrepreneur. If you plan to work only with individuals, then it is quite enough to acquire the status of an individual entrepreneur. If your plans include the conclusion of supply contracts with trucking companies, taxi companies, etc., then it is better to immediately create a legal entity.
Step 4
Next, select the premises for the store. You can rent it or purchase a property. The store area may be small to begin with. It all depends on your starting investment and your tire range, though. It is better to open a tire shop near a gas station, service center or service station.
Step 5
Purchase equipment. Its minimum list will include a cash register, racks for tires, a computer, showcases. In addition, create an assortment list. Nowadays there are a lot of tire suppliers, so carefully analyze the terms of cooperation with each of them, because your profit will largely depend on this. During the formation of the assortment, engage in the search for personnel. You will need a director, an accountant, 2-3 sales consultants and a warehouse worker.