In today's economy, investing free money in stocks is becoming more and more popular. Indeed, a wide range of people can become a minority shareholder and even a large company. But in order to dissolve shares, for example, to sell them, you need to be familiar with the rules of action in the stock market.

Step 1
Find out which organizational type the company you own belongs to. If it is an open joint stock company (OJSC), then you have the right to freely sell shares. In the case of ownership of securities of a closed joint stock company (CJSC), there is a special procedure that is aimed at protecting the rights of other shareholders.
Step 2
Find a broker to sell OJSC shares. This can be done through special offices; such services are often provided by banks. Conclude an agreement with the broker, which will stipulate the commission for his services. Usually it is a few percent of the value of a share and is set individually depending on the popularity of this type of securities in the market. If you don't want to waste money on commission payments, find a buyer yourself. But this can only be recommended to those who already have experience in such transactions. Unlike a broker, a private buyer will be interested in understating the price of the shares, and unknowingly, you can give them at a price below the market price. In addition, you bear the worries and costs of completing the transaction. It must be made in the form of signing a contract with its certification by a notary.
Step 3
When selling a share in a CJSC, follow the organization's charter. Once you or the broker find a buyer, enter into a preliminary agreement with him indicating the value of the shares. After that, at the meeting of shareholders, indicate your desire to sell your stake. During the period specified in the charter, persons who already have shares in CJSC will be able to redeem your securities from you at the price set for a third-party buyer. Only if they refuse the transaction will you be able to complete it with a third party. In addition, the shares can be redeemed by the owner of the CJSC.