How To Get A Deposit In Ukraine

How To Get A Deposit In Ukraine
How To Get A Deposit In Ukraine

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It is hard for depositors who have opened deposits in Ukrainian banks. In addition to the fact that it is not always possible to withdraw hard-earned money after the expiration of the term, there are also problems with foreign currency deposits when the bank does not give them in the currency of the deposit, but offers to transfer them into national currency at the current exchange rate. Inflation sweeps across the country without stopping for a minute, so few people decide to keep and invest money in hryvnia.

How to get a deposit in Ukraine
How to get a deposit in Ukraine

It is necessary

a written statement asking to return the deposit


Step 1

Each bank has different deposit products and different ways of returning funds. Somewhere it is customary to transfer money after the end of the term of the deposit to the current account, and the owner can withdraw it at any time by visiting the bank or the branch where the deposit was opened. In another bank, the funds from the deposit account automatically fall to the card account, and the depositor can withdraw his funds from the ATM of his bank or partner bank, but also in any city where there is a bank branch.

Step 2

When making a deposit, a client most often pays attention to the term, interest rate and loyalty program, which is developed mainly for regular customers. However, few people are interested in automatic deposit prolongation. All these conditions are stipulated in the agreement, the prolongation is carried out if the client did not withdraw money from the account on the day of the end of the deposit. Then the deposit is extended for the same period, but at the current interest rates. And in order to return it ahead of schedule, you should contact the bank branch, write an application for early termination of the deposit in the name of the head of the department or department where it was issued. Depending on internal instructions, the bank is obliged to return the deposit amount and interest within 1-7 days.

Step 3

Another problem may be the lack of the required amount of currency in the bank. The nuance is that strict limits are set at the cash desks, and it is impossible to keep amounts in excess of the limits at the cash desk according to the instructions. But if you warn the bank employee in advance that you plan to withdraw the entire amount of the deposit at the end of the term, then the bank must prepare this amount by the day of the end of the deposit and return it in the currency of the deposit. Of course, bank employees may offer to transfer money in national currency and give many weighty arguments, but you have every right to refuse.

Step 4

If things are really bad and you do not want to return the deposit, then you need to write a letter with a request to issue a deposit and send it by mail with acknowledgment of receipt. Within a month, the bank must send a response to the letter, if the letter contains a refusal, then it is advisable to contact the regional department of the National Bank of Ukraine with a complaint about illegal actions. If the appeal to the National Bank did not have a positive result, you should apply to the court with a statement of claim for the return of the deposit.
