Lending is not only profitable, but also quite risky business for banks. Cases when the borrower does not return the borrowed money to the lender are not so rare. To minimize its risks, the bank is forced to "get out" at the expense of bona fide borrowers or the sale of existing collateral. That is why, when issuing a large loan, the bank conducts a thorough check of a potential borrower and imposes increased requirements for his solvency.

Large loan to individuals - design features
The concept of a large loan differs depending on the bank, but the loan amount should be large in any case. To obtain such a loan, the borrower will have to make extra efforts. Therefore, one passport will not be enough, you will have to add a certificate of income and a certified copy of the work book to it. If you have been working in one place for several years and have a good income, then your chances of getting a large loan increase significantly.
Another prerequisite for obtaining a large loan is to provide the bank with guarantees of its return. This capacity can be a guarantor or valuable property pledged to the bank. At the same time, the guarantor must also have a high level of income, because if the borrower cannot fulfill the obligations on the loan taken, then the guarantor will have to make monthly payments. The rights and obligations of the guarantor are spelled out in the loan agreement.
If the borrower provides the bank with valuable property as a guarantee, then it is formalized as a pledge. An encumbrance is imposed on the property, which implies the impossibility of selling or exchanging it without the consent of the bank. In addition, the property serving as collateral for the loan must be insured. The market value of the pledged property will determine the maximum possible amount that the borrower can receive. The bank will lend an amount not exceeding 70% of the appraised value of the collateral.
Large loan to entrepreneurs
A large loan is needed not only by individuals, but also by private entrepreneurs. Moreover, these can be both long-established companies and recently registered companies. Unfortunately, it is not so easy to open a business in Russia with the help of bank capital. The main condition for receiving a large sum for business development is a successful entrepreneurial activity for six months. However, some credit organizations are ready to provide loans to newly minted businessmen. To do this, a potential borrower must provide the bank with a profitable business plan for his future company.
The rest of the procedure for obtaining a loan for a business is similar to that used for obtaining large consumer loans to individuals. The company will also need to prove its profitability by providing the lender with accounting and tax reports. As a guarantee of the return of borrowed funds, legal entities issue a pledge. True, this is much easier for businessmen - they can mortgage not only vehicles and real estate owned by the enterprise, but also some of the raw materials, which have an irreducible balance. Do not forget that legal entities also have a credit history, and if an entrepreneur wants to get a large loan, then it must definitely be positive.