Wealthy people rarely share their secrets, because it has been scientifically proven that wealth is concentrated in the hands of a certain constant percentage of the world's population. This is the eternal law in the world of money. But who said that you are not included in this tiny percentage?

Potential millionaires are people who are just lucky and who manage not to "waste" their luck. Ancestors used to say “a penny saves a ruble,” but without 1 ruble there is no million. How can you learn how to manage money so that it does not flow through your tender fingers to someone who knows where? There is such a simple science - home finance management, whose bachelors are slowly but surely marching towards financial well-being.
Right thinking is the way to get rich
Some people understand saving only as a cruel denial of everything in the world, including the joy of life and the enjoyment of its gifts. Such a position can be forgiven for Scrooge McDuck, because he is a character in a Disney cartoon, which means he is immortal. The same cannot be said about living people. Money is a serious thing, but you can't overestimate it either. How to save without self-restraint? Is it possible? If you plan expenses and sensibly measure them against income, then nothing is possible!
What should be done to take control of financial management? Correct thinking and attitude to money is characteristic of all wealthy people without exception. By changing consciousness, we are changing our reality! Are you ready for a major change?
- No need to selflessly save, you need to earn more!
- Spend 20% of the effort - get 80% of the result, not in inverse proportion.
- Set aside half of what you earn, distribute the rest, then you will always have savings.
- Keep a written record of income and expenses, then you will understand where the money goes and how to manage its flows.
- Never make spontaneous purchases, no matter how tempting the conditions of the promotions in the supermarket are.
- Don't buy cheap things if you don't want to pay twice. One quality purchase is always cheaper than two not the best quality.
- Savings on food are the cost of future treatment. Eat right, do not deny yourself what is vital.
These golden rules are eternal, like the eternal law of the world of big money. By following them and supplementing the proposed list at your own discretion, you can become much richer, more successful and even a little happier!