How To Make Money For School

How To Make Money For School
How To Make Money For School

Table of contents:


Gone are the days when all school receipts depended on the Ministry of Education. Now the school is placed in conditions where it can "earn" money itself. Much depends on the entrepreneurial ability of the school principal; a school can be a profitable business project. To do this, it is necessary to use all available resources of the school.

How to make money for school
How to make money for school


Step 1

Paid additional services.

Provision on a contractual basis to students, residents of the city, enterprises, organizations of paid additional educational services that are not provided for by the relevant state educational standards and are not funded from the budget of the city. These can be paid courses in preparation for the exam, GIA, as well as additional lessons in the study of foreign languages, aerobics, etc. The result on the exam and the GIA depends on how fluently the student is in the tests, how often he worked with them. Therefore, parents are interested in additional paid lessons.

There is a great demand for a paid additional service for preparing preschoolers for learning in the first grade. The child is prepared for communication in a team, he masters the skills of writing, counting and reading, learns self-discipline and organization, gets acquainted with the rules of conduct in an educational institution.

Step 2

On the basis of the school, it is possible to organize paid circles. So, for example, you can use a gym, an assembly hall and other rooms. If possible, you can use the school grounds and organize a "Young Botanist" club. It is even possible to equip a greenhouse and not only conduct excursions and classes for schoolchildren, but even grow crops and sell them or use them for the needs of the school.

Step 3

Renting out of school premises.

School facilities such as a gym, swimming pool (if available) basements (where a gym can be placed) can also be used to increase the school's budget. In the evening, you can rent them out.

Step 4

To replenish the school's budget, it is possible to conduct entertainment and other cultural and leisure activities. So, you can organize children's parties, discos, theme nights.
