Like any other financial organization, the car pawnshop works in order to make a profit. Therefore, loans are issued here at interest, which must be repaid by the borrower. A distinctive feature of the pawnshop is that the pledge must be used, namely the vehicle.

As a rule, cars are used for these purposes. If the person does not return the money, the organization has the right to sell it to pay off the debt. At the time when the client uses the money and has not paid the full amount, the vehicle is in the pawnshop. For this, special closed parking lots are used, which ensure reliable storage of cars.
The advantages of a car pawnshop
The main advantage of the pawnshop is that absolutely everyone who has their own transport can get money here. Therefore, there is no need to specially prepare documentation, provide a business plan and talk about a new project or product. In addition, you can get money even for those who do not have an official permanent source of income.
Moscow “_” _ 20_ Citizen (s) _, acting on his own behalf, hereinafter the BORROWER, and Avtolombard "Na Riga" LLC, represented by the General Director _, acting on the basis of the Charter, hereinafter the LENDER, also hereinafter referred to as the Parties, have entered into this LOAN AGREEMENT, referred to as hereinafter the Agreement, on the following:
1.1 In order to financially stabilize the BORROWER, the BORROWER provides a short-term loan, hereinafter referred to as a loan, in the amount of (_) rubles, and the BORROWER undertakes to return the specified loan amount to the BORROWER within the specified period.
1.2 The BORROWER transfers and the BORROWER accepts as collateral the BORROWER's motor vehicle, hereinafter referred to as a motor vehicle, as collateral for a short-term loan.
2.1. The transfer of the pledge is made out by the Pledge ticket, the Act of appraisal and acceptance-transfer of the vehicle, which are an integral part of the Agreement.
2.2. Together with the vehicle, the keys to it, PTS, and the vehicle registration certificate are handed over.
2.3. A motor vehicle is accepted as a pledge in a technically sound condition, if there is sufficient equipment.
2.4. The assessment of the pledged vehicle is made by mutual agreement of the Parties and is indicated in the Agreement and the Pledge ticket.
3.1. THE BORROWER issues a loan to the BORROWER in the amount of - (_) rubles.
3.2. The loan is issued for a period of (_) days, from “_” _ 20_ to “_” _ 20_ The grace period starts from “_” _ 20_ and lasts one month.
3.3. The BORROWER undertakes to return the loan issued to him within the specified period and pay interest for using the loan in accordance with clauses 3.4. and 3.5. Of the contract. By mutual agreement of the Parties, the term for using the loan can be extended 4 times, subject to timely payment of interest for using the loan in the expired period. In this case, an additional agreement is drawn up.
3.4. The fee for using the loan is - (_)% for 30 (Thirty) calendar days in the amount of (_) rubles and is charged in multiples of the period.
3.5. The estimated cost of the vehicle by agreement of the parties is (_) rubles.
4.1. Provide the BORROWER with a short-term cash loan secured by a vehicle.
4.2. Ensure the safety of the pledged vehicle during the entire loan term. The BORROWER is not responsible for the safety of things in the vehicle that are not an integral part of it.
4.3. The BORROWER undertakes to insure at his own expense the vehicle accepted as collateral.
4.4. The LENDER is released from liability for non-fulfillment of obligations under the Agreement, if this failure was the result of force majeure circumstances. Force majeure means: natural disasters, floods, fires, earthquakes, hostilities of any kind, riots, blockades, prohibitions, as well as changes in current legislation and other restrictions of an economic and political nature that objectively interfere with the fulfillment of obligations under the Agreement, which the BORROWER does not could have foreseen or avoided in a reasonable way.
4.5. Upon the occurrence of those specified in clause 4.4. circumstances, the BORROWER must immediately notify them in writing to the BORROWER.
4.6. Return to the BORROWER the vehicle, keys and documents specified in clause 2.2. of the agreement, after the BORROWER returns the loan received within the period specified in clause 3.2. and payment of interest and services for using the loan in accordance with clauses 3.4. and 3.5. Of the contract.
5.1. Issue a notarized general power of attorney for the pledged vehicle to the LENDER, represented by the General Director of the Auto Pawnshop "In Riga" or another official.
5.2. Return the loan received within the period specified in clause 3.2., And pay interest to the BORROWER for using the loan in accordance with clauses 3.4. and 3.5., of the Agreement in the amount of (_) rubles.
5.3. The BORROWER guarantees that this vehicle is not on the wanted list, the numbering units and documents of the vehicle are not forged, customs payments have been paid in full, at the time of the conclusion of this agreement, the pledged vehicle is not encumbered with the pledged rights of third parties, is not under arrest.
5.4. Reimburse the BORROWER for the losses incurred, in particular, the amount not received due to the satisfaction of the claims of the previous pledgees or other third parties, in the event that any encumbrances are discovered or arise after the conclusion of the Agreement.
5.5. The BORROWER guarantees that at the time of the conclusion of the Agreement, he was not brought by the court as a defendant in a civil case related to a property dispute, and no criminal proceedings were initiated against him. The BORROWER undertakes to notify the LENDER in writing within two days about his participation in the court as a defendant in property disputes, or about the initiation of a criminal case against himself. Within 10 (ten) calendar days from the date of termination of ownership of the pledged item on the grounds stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation, or for other reasons, restore the pledged item or, with the consent of the LENDER, replace it with other equivalent property equal in value.
6.1. In case of non-return by the BORROWER within the specified period of the loan in accordance with clauses 3.2 and 3.3., And non-payment of interest, in accordance with clauses 3.4. and 3.5., of the Agreement, the BORROWER may sell the pledged vehicle without notifying the BORROWER.
6.2. To deduct from the amount received from the sale of the vehicle, in the amount of the BORROWER's debt.
7.1. During the term of the Agreement, extend the loan term in accordance with clause 3.3.
7.2. Transfer to a third party the right to receive a vehicle under the Agreement, a Security Ticket and a notarized power of attorney.
7.3. In case of failure to return the loan amount at any time before the sale of the pledged vehicle, it has the right to terminate the foreclosure and its sale by fulfilling the obligation provided for in the Agreement and secured by the pledge in accordance with clauses 3.3., 3.4., 3.5.
7.4. In the event of the sale of the pledged vehicle, it has the right to receive from the pawnshop the difference resulting from the excess of the amount received from the sale of the pledged vehicle over the amount of the BORROWER's obligations to the pawnshop in accordance with clauses 3.3., 3.4., 3.5. Of the Agreement, determined on the day of sale, in the event of such an excess.
8.1. The BORROWER confirms that this vehicle is used exclusively for personal purposes.
8.2. The BORROWER is obliged to inform about all the shortcomings and hidden defects of the vehicle, otherwise he bears the responsibility established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, and reimburses the BORROWER for all losses incurred through his fault.
8.3. For the duration of this Agreement, all legal or other actions with the vehicle and documents for it are prohibited in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
8.4. The BORROWER is not entitled to sell the pledged vehicle.
8.5. The BORROWER is not responsible for the technical condition of the pledged vehicle.
8.6. The BORROWER has the right to demand early fulfillment of the obligations secured by this pledge in the event of termination of ownership of the pledged item, on the grounds provided for in Article 354 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, or in the event of the seizure of the pledged vehicle in accordance with the criminal procedure legislation of the Russian Federation, or seizure in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses. In case of early termination of the Agreement and / or early collection of debt under the Agreement, the BORROWER sends the BORROWER a corresponding notification. Correspondence sent to the BORROWER's address and returned with a postmark stating that the addressee is absent is considered received by the BORROWER if the BORROWER was not notified in advance about the change of the BORROWER's address.
8.7. The BORROWER has the right to deregister the pledged vehicle, on the basis of the general power of attorney issued by the BORROWER, after the expiration of the loan repayment period during the grace period.
8.8. The BORROWER is familiar with and agrees with the Terms and Conditions of the Agreement, the description and assessed value of the vehicle, the size and term of the loan, the terms of payment for services, as well as the fact that in case of failure to fulfill the obligations stipulated by the Agreement, the foreclosure on the pledged vehicle is carried out without committing executive notary lettering.
8.9. The pledged vehicle is located in the parking lot of the Car pawnshop "Na Riga".
8.10. The annual interest rate is (_)%.
8.11. The Agreement, the Security Ticket, the Assessment and Acceptance and Transfer Act have been drawn up and signed by the Parties in two copies having the same legal force, one for each of the Parties.
8.12. In case of loss of the Security Ticket, the BORROWER is obliged to pay a fee of 3000 rubles.
8.13. In all other respects that are not stipulated by this Agreement, the parties are guided by the Rules and the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
8.14. In the event of disputes arising on the issues provided for by this agreement or in connection with it, the Parties will take all measures to resolve them through negotiations. If the amicable settlement of disputes is impossible, they will be resolved in the manner prescribed by the current legislation in the Arbitration Court of the city of Moscow.
8.16. The BORROWER is familiar with the procedure for RECEIVING / DISTRIBUTING cash and vehicles.
FULL NAME. _ Passport series _ No. _ issued Address: Signature:
Legal address: Postal address: INN / KPP: Current account: BIK: Signature: