What Is Integrated Marketing

What Is Integrated Marketing
What Is Integrated Marketing

Integrated marketing is a series of systematic, logically built, well-grounded measures aimed at the successful promotion of a product or service on the market. He uses all the necessary tools to achieve the set goals.

What is integrated marketing
What is integrated marketing

Complex marketing in the modern market

A correct, structured marketing approach involves a sequential algorithm of actions to create and promote a product. Marketing is a broad concept that includes a number of independent, interrelated areas. They can be divided into 4 main functions: analysis, production, sales, management and control.

Some companies limit their marketing functions to promotional activities. An integrated approach in this case is the use of different tools and communication channels.

With an integrated approach, all these functions exist within a single program and interact closely with each other, solving all problems sequentially. Research of demand and consumer needs, market analysis are carried out. The target audience of the company is determined. Based on the results obtained, an assortment of goods or services is developed, and a pricing policy is formed. The brand and advertising platform of the product is created.

A promotion program is drawn up using all available means of advertising communications. Research and analysis of the current market situation is carried out on a regular basis, and the competitive environment is also analyzed. Forecasts of changes are made, and the current program is adjusted taking into account the data received. The scale of events depends on the level of the business, the volume of production and the marketing budget.

4P theory

Four business components formed the basis of the 4P theory: product, price, place, promotion, which translates as “product”, “price”, “place”, “promotion”. A comprehensive marketing strategy, formed according to this principle, provokes the consumer to perceive the product from the standpoint of its advantages and benefits for himself.

The 4P theory was first announced in 1960. Since then, it has remained relevant to marketers. At various times, they tried to expand and supplement it. All of these writings were just variations on the topic of integrated marketing.

Within the framework of this strategy, a product means any offer of the company. It can be a tangible product, service, idea, type of activity, etc. Price is the amount of money or other value that the company wants to receive for its product, and the consumer is willing to pay for it. The concept of "place" has a broad interpretation. This is a method of distributing a product, a method of delivering it to a consumer, after-sales service, etc.

Promotion is a set of advertising and information activities to inform the target audience about the merits of the product, which are aimed at creating needs and generating a desire to purchase a product. According to the 4P theory, systematic, complex work with these components is the key to a successful business.
