A person does not always manage to realize his plans, having a limited budget at his disposal. Sometimes a certain amount of money is required at once and in its entirety, and then the question arises of how to get a loan. Banks in the city of Ufa offer various programs for lending to individuals and legal entities.

Step 1
To begin with, you need to decide on several issues: how much you want to take on a loan, how long and from what money you are going to return it, what interest rate will not be too burdensome for you and what can be the subject of loan security (if it is about large sums of money).
Step 2
Find out in which of the city banks the credit conditions are right for you. Almost every bank has its own website, which contains information on the conditions under which loans are issued, so it will not be difficult for you to compare your wishes with the proposed conditions. Call one of the referral services in Ufa (09, (347) 250-50-50, (347) 277-05-05) and find out the phone numbers and addresses of various banks, or find information on the Internet.
Step 3
The procedure for obtaining a loan is almost the same everywhere. Contact the bank for a list of documents that must be submitted to obtain a loan. As a rule, for individuals it is: a passport, work book or a photocopy from it, certified by the company you work for, a certificate of registration with the tax authority and the Pension Fund, a certificate of income in the form of 2-NDFL and a completed application (questionnaire) in the form of a bank.
Step 4
For legal entities, the list of documents is different and in different banks it can be different. Usually, a charter and two certificates are required: on the registration of an enterprise and on its registration as a taxpayer (PSRN and TIN), an information letter from the State Statistics Committee, an order on the appointment of a director, copies of the passports of the head and chief accountant. In order for the bank to assess the borrower's solvency, it is also required to submit a number of accounting documents. Sometimes banks ask for copies of contracts with counterparties.
Step 5
After you have collected and submitted all the necessary documents, your loan application will be reviewed by the bank's employees. Based on the results of such an audit, a decision is made to issue a loan, an agreement is concluded with you, to which a debt repayment schedule is attached. If the loan is to be secured by a pledge or surety, another agreement is drawn up, containing references to the loan agreement in the text. The money is handed out to you or transferred to your current account.