How To Get A Loan At Alfa-Bank

How To Get A Loan At Alfa-Bank
How To Get A Loan At Alfa-Bank

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Alfa-Bank has developed a convenient online loan application system. This allows the bank's clients to come to the nearest branch once and immediately for the money.

How to get a loan at Alfa Bank
How to get a loan at Alfa Bank


Step 1

Visit the Alfa-Bank website. On the main page on the left side, find the section "Individuals", click on this button. A menu will open in front of you, the left column lists the services for lending to the population, the first of which is "On-line loan processing", follow the link. On the page that opens, find the button "Get a cash loan". Please note that you will need a passport and TIN of the organization in which you work. Fill out the form, indicate in it information about your person, place of work and an identity document. Indicate in the special fields the city of residence and the bank branch where it will be convenient for you to receive a cash loan. Leave a contact phone number by which you can be contacted. Wait for a call from a bank employee, clarify with him the terms of payment of payments on the loan and other information you are interested in. The bank employee will inform you in what time frame the decision on granting you a loan will be made. After making a positive decision, contact the chosen bank branch and receive the money.

Step 2

Contact any branch of Alfa-Bank to obtain a loan under the "Fast" program. You can find a list of branches and their addresses on the bank's website. The decision to issue is made by the bank's employees within 30 minutes, the maximum amount that can be received under this program is 50,000 rubles, the loan must be repaid within 8 months. Provide the bank employee with a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and another document confirming your identity, for example, a driver's license or a foreign passport. Fill out an application at the bank's office and get the money.

Step 3

Get money under the Cash Loan program, which allows you to get a loan in the amount of up to 750,000 rubles for a period of one to three years. Use a loan calculator to calculate the interest and the amount that may be available to you. The application can be filled online. Please note that the bank may request documents to confirm your solvency.
