Growing flowers is a profitable and relevant business, although most of the ones sold on the Russian market come from abroad. Considering that the largest supplier of this delicate product is Holland, where flowers are grown in greenhouses, we can say that such an opportunity will be realized in Russian climatic conditions.

It is necessary
- - a piece of land;
- - greenhouse;
- - seed material or seedlings.
Step 1
Explore the greenhouse structures offered by domestic and foreign manufacturers. It is better to use the experience of the same Dutch flower growers - in greenhouses produced in this country, up to 180 pieces of Gabriella roses can be grown on 1 square meter of soil.
Step 2
Choose whether to sell cut flowers or grow and sell seedlings. The most unpretentious and convenient planting material is bulbs, from which you can grow tulips, lilies, hyacinths, daffodils, snowdrops. Subject to the growing regime and proper care of one bulb per season, you can get about a hundred bulbs. If your plantations are large enough, then the profits will be impressive.
Step 3
Growing popular Russian roses and other flowers using Dutch breeding material is one of the promising business opportunities. Take part in major flower exhibitions, festivals and auctions in Europe. Buy seed there, negotiate the supply of seedlings. Consult with the German and Dutch flower growers who take part in these exhibitions, and establish business relations with them.
Step 4
To expand your client base, you shouldn't deal with just one type of flowers - grow on your plantations plants for every taste, taking into account the seasonality and holidays, to which you need to time especially large harvests. Your green product range should be large enough, as well as its price range.
Step 5
Do not neglect to advertise your products, submit ads in the media and on the Internet, illustrate them with beautiful photographs. Take advantage of the free advertising opportunities offered by the Internet. Develop a website where you can post flower advertisements, information about your products, interesting articles about flowers and how to properly care for them. Order business cards and distribute them to your customers.