The price is the amount of money in exchange for which the seller is willing to sell, and the buyer agrees to buy (receive) a specific unit of goods. In this case, the value of the ratios in the exchange of goods for money determines their value. That is why the price is the value of any unit of goods, which is expressed in monetary terms. The price has a certain property - to change. It can rise sharply or, conversely, fall.

Step 1
You can calculate the price of a product through the ratio of the amount of money that is required to buy the product to the amount of the product itself. Thus, it turns out that the price of a product is a function of two variables, the amount of which depends on the amount of money received from buyers for the purchase of this product in direct proportion, and, conversely, on the amount of the product on the market.
Step 2
In this case, the price is determined by the costs of a particular manufacturer. It serves as the basic and defining motive for the purchase. Therefore, the market price of a product is recognized as the price that is formed by the interaction of supply and demand on the market for identical products in comparable economic conditions. In this case, the price is understood as all the objective and subjective costs associated with the acquisition, as well as with the use of the product.
Step 3
You can also cost the goods with a profit. When setting prices, manufacturers, as a rule, are guided by an assessment of the purchase value of the goods. Costs are considered as a supporting indicator.
Step 4
In turn, the company forms prices for its goods, including at least six stages: setting pricing tasks, estimating production costs, choosing a method for setting prices and determining demand, analyzing prices, as well as competing goods, determining the final price, as well as rules her future changes.
Step 5
To calculate the average price of a product, it is necessary to determine the demand for a product, because the price level for a product will directly depend on changes in demand. When demand is relatively high, a high price will be set. Conversely, the price is made low when demand declines. This is why the company first sets a baseline price and then adjusts it based on certain environmental factors.