In connection with the low birth rate, the question arises of creating additional income for citizens. In this process, the role of NPFs and specialized insurance companies is important. Correct management of NPF money will ensure a decrease in inflation and, as a result, an increase in pensions.

How to choose a program in an NPF?
Since transparency and availability of information is very important for any investor, you can contact the Pension Fund and learn about personal pension savings at any time. Customer service is an integral part of the direct responsibilities of pension fund employees. Modern standards are guaranteed to provide an individual approach.
Consult with a specialist about the selection of a suitable program and the timing of its implementation. There are many opportunities, and it is best to choose right away the option for managing pension savings that will satisfy all your needs.
When choosing an NPF, be guided by whether the fund implements a risk management system or not. The system for controlling the risks of NPFs must establish the permissible sizes, monitor and calculate the damage from their possible occurrence. In addition, it is worth asking whether there are now and whether forecasts of the occurrence of such risks will be carried out in the future. Independent experts use special assessment methods to facilitate their further modeling. It is especially important to find out whether there will be an opportunity to further participate in the process of determining their funds in risky assets, in order to ensure the safety of their deposits.
Another aspect in choosing an NPF is the reliability of the fund. The number of NPFs in Russia is growing, but it is worth giving preference to funds backed by large companies in the country. Information can be found in publications from leading business publications. Check out the programs on the official websites, where you can always find answers to your questions.
Do not forget that the safety of depositors' money is ensured by the fact that pension funds cannot become guarantors of third parties. Stable pension funds include funds with citizens' savings of 1 billion rubles or more. This position is one of the first in the rating of NPFs and minimizes possible risks.
The number of pension contributions of the fund ensures the credibility of the organization on the part of citizens. The company must have a reserve part of assets in order to cover the losses of its investors in the event of force majeure. You will have to be responsible for the size of your future pension payments yourself. Therefore, in order to ensure a decent old age, it is better to work with a proven foundation. It is thanks to the strict requirements for NPF that pension funds guarantee the complete safety of funds.
NPF rating
To finally decide on the choice of NPF, you can be guided by the rating of the most popular and reliable funds:
1. NPF Lukoil-Garant. This NPF has been ahead of its competitors for a long time, as it occupies a stable position, provides maximum guarantees to clients and is ready to offer a wide range of programs;
2. "NPF Blagosostoyanie". Has been operating for 14 years with high profitability and provides customers with guaranteed payments;
3. "NPF Sberbank" is one of the leaders among funds in Russia, has a fairly high reliability indicators. High ratings, and the service was appreciated by millions of people in Russia;
4. "NPF Elektroenergetiki". About a million people have already entrusted pension insurance to this fund. The main feature is diversification, which helps to minimize potential risks for clients;
5. "NPF Gazfond" has a high investment rate of pension savings and guarantees the safety and increase in the profitability of deposits.
There are quite a lot of NPFs in Russia today. Which one to choose is an individual decision of everyone. The main thing is to familiarize yourself with all the documents, consult with the fund's employees and determine the best way to invest.