Surprisingly, a paper clip can be exchanged for an entire house. Such an exchange was made in 2006 by Kyle MacDonald, who lives in Canada. Over the course of a year, using his blog, Kyle exchanged an ordinary paper clip for a house worth $ 80,000 in 14 moves.

How did the idea of exchange come about?
During his life, Kyle managed to change several professions. He advertised goods, was a sales agent, delivered pizza. His cherished dream was his own home, but he could not make money on it. And then one day Kyle came up with a brilliant idea - to get a house through a penniless exchange.
On his blog, Kyle wrote that he and his girlfriend need a home and intend to get it through a series of exchanges. The first item to be exchanged was a regular red paper clip.
The news of the amazing action quickly spread across the Internet, and the game began.
Fourteen exchanges
The red paper clip was exchanged for a ballpoint pen found by two girls from Vancouver.
Kyle traded a ballpoint pen for a clay doorknob made by an artist he knew.
The doorknob really liked Sean Sparks, who was just moving into a new house. Sean didn’t regret giving the barbecue gas stove by the handle, he just had one extra.
An enterprising Canadian exchanged this tile with a friend for an electric generator with a capacity of 1000 watts.
After a while, the generator was exchanged for a beer keg and a neon Budweiser sign.
The keg and the sign appealed to the DJ from Montreal. Impressed by MacDonald's idea, a Montreal resident traded them for a snowmobile.
After this exchange, Kyle became truly famous. On Canadian television, they became interested in the history of exchanges and filmed a report about Kyle MacDonald. During filming, the journalist asked MacDonald what he wanted to change the snowmobile for. Kyle replied that he was ready to exchange it for a ticket to Yak (Canadian resort). Soon after the episode aired, representatives of a snowmobile magazine contacted Kyle and offered him the coveted package in exchange.
Kyle gave the ticket to Bruno Tifler, the manager of the uniform company. For the ticket, Bruno gave his old truck, which he had wanted to sell for a long time.
The truck was traded for a contract with a recording studio by a musician from Toronto.
The contract was awarded to aspiring singer Jody Grant, in exchange she gave Kyle the opportunity to live in her second apartment for free for a year.
It would seem that the Canadian achieved his goal, but Kyle decided not to stop and soon a year of free accommodation was exchanged for one evening of communication with the famous musician Alice Cooper.
Kyle exchanged the evening with the musician for a souvenir balloon with the Kiss logo. Although this is a very strange exchange, it turned out that the souvenir is very rare and appreciated by the fans of the rock band.
For the ball for his collection, director Corbin Barnsen gave a role in his new film.
And finally, the desired exchange took place. Kyle changed the role for a real three-bedroom house. The exchange took place with the Kipling City Hall. After the exchange, a casting was held in the city and the role was given to the winner - a resident of Kipling, Nollan Habard.
Kyle invited all the people who participated in the exchanges to the housewarming party. Out of 14 people came 12. In their presence, Kyle solemnly became engaged to his girlfriend Dominic. On the finger of his beloved, he put a ring made of a bent red paper clip.