If you are thinking about how you can make money on your business, it means that you have already started doing business, but have reached a certain point of development and do not go further. To make more money on business, it is important for an entrepreneur to attract new customers, and for this to develop new directions in his business.

Step 1
The source of income for any business, be it a cafe, shop or law firm, is its clients. Everyone knows that clients are conscientious and not very, more or less wealthy and, accordingly, agree to different service packages. The main task of an entrepreneur who wants to make money is to get rid of unscrupulous clients (is it worth spending time and effort on those who delay payments or sometimes do not pay at all?) And attract clients that are conscientious and wealthy.
Step 2
To attract new customers, you need to know what they need, what types of services they are interested in. Business ties play an important role here, but only at first, because through acquaintances you can get a client, but not keep him. To keep him, it is important to be necessary for him. Thus, you should first decide who will be a conscientious and wealthy client for you and think about what you could offer him.
Step 3
As an illustration, consider the example of a small law firm looking to reach a new level of income. The firm started (like many others) with inexpensive consultations to individuals and small legal entities, gradually it developed a specialization - for example, registration of companies. But this does not bring a lot of income, in addition, promising lawyers will leave such a firm, since they are not interested in doing such simple things for a long time as registering companies. Therefore, it is necessary to look for other areas of practice that will be important for more promising clients and bring more income. A law firm that deals with the registration of companies can, for example, start registering foreign companies, gradually engage in tax planning. This will immediately attract new customers.
Step 4
It is important to understand that in order to diversify your activities, to develop, you must first invest in it - both material and other resources. You can rarely earn money without upfront investment. In the case of a law firm, you will have to start looking for specialists who can successfully work in a new direction, perhaps spend money on the necessary software, establish contacts with other firms (registrars of companies abroad, etc.).