Themed conceptual catering establishments are gaining more and more popularity in Russia. A good idea and competent implementation of such a project can attract a large number of visitors.

The main thing is the idea
Approximately sixty percent of visitors to an art cafe become their regular customers if they are attracted by the atmosphere of the establishment. The target audience of establishments of this format is the most solvent and active.
The profit from such an establishment will be the greater, the longer the visitors stay in it. Therefore, it is so important to create the right atmosphere and not forget about the cultural program. Live music, a library, film screenings of rare art-house cinema - all this attracts its audience to the art cafe.
An important role is played by the location of the future cafe. For such establishments, it is important to be as close to the city center as possible. When choosing a room, pay attention to details such as the view from the windows. A brick fence, a blank wall, or a garbage can hardly help create the right atmosphere in a cafe.
Technical details
The room should be spacious; you should expect that the main hall will occupy at least fifty square meters. But office space is also needed - a kitchen, a pantry, toilets, a dressing room. Sometimes they take up more space than the main hall.
It is advisable to look for a room already under the established concept of a cafe. To do this, you need an art director who must be engaged in the implementation of the idea, the selection of designers, and the design of the design project. The art director follows the implementation of the concept in life, coming up with advertising campaigns to promote the unusual institution. Of course, the original concept or idea that formed the basis of your art cafe in itself can attract visitors, but a competent art director can increase their number. It is very important after you have found the necessary premises, draw up the concept and start its design, select the right staff. Responsive professional waiters and good service motivate visitors to return to the place they like.
Before opening a cafe, you need to go through a number of procedures - to issue and register the necessary permits from the fire inspection, sanitary and epidemiological station. Obtain trade patent and licenses for tobacco and alcoholic products.
When making an estimate for renting premises and decorating interiors, do not forget about the costs of repairs and the purchase of important equipment. Only the kitchen will require the purchase of several sinks, tables, stoves and ovens. Another item of expenses will be the purchase of dishes, textiles, furniture, lamps. The budget should include staff salaries.
In Moscow, for example, opening an art cafe will cost at least two million rubles. Moreover, this amount will fight back at least one and a half to two years, so be prepared for this.