Registration of any enterprise is the preparation of a list of documents on the basis of which an entry is made in the unified state register, and official documents are issued confirming the legal type of activity on the territory of the Russian Federation. Mandatory documents include the memorandum of association, articles of association and financial documents confirming the presence of the authorized capital.

It is necessary
- - charter;
- - contract;
- - financial documents.
Step 1
Your business can be a closed or public company. An open society is an unlimited membership organization. A closed company assumes that the number of shareholders will not exceed 50 people, between whom the shares will be divided according to the percentage of capital investment of each participant.
Step 2
To agree on statutory documents in an open joint stock company, gather an initiative group from among the shareholders. Select meeting chairman, deputy, secretary. During the meeting, keep minutes in which you write down all the agreed points. Entrust the drafting of the charter and the memorandum of association to a professional lawyer.
Step 3
The charter is considered agreed if the majority of the initiative group voted for each item. If some points are not agreed or approved by a minority of votes, you must revise the constituent documents, draw up a new charter and hold a re-meeting.
Step 4
If you have a closed joint-stock company, which most often consists of one or two shareholders and only in rare cases from a larger number of holders of a controlling stake, then you must hold a general meeting and agree on statutory documents on all points.
Step 5
If your joint-stock company is being created on the basis of an existing community or there is a division, merger, separation of shares, then involve members of an independent or primary trade union organization in the approval of the new charter and agreement. If you do not have this community, then you can involve representatives of the management team, who will represent the interests of workers, to the agreement and approval by voting.
Step 6
Submit the charter, contract, financial documents, passport to the registration chamber. If your documents pass the verification of all levels of government, then you have the right to register a new community by contacting the tax office.