A plastic card, debit or credit, has long been a constant attribute of the life of a modern person. Few do not have a map, many of them even have several. Cards are used to pay for goods. You can do this directly at the point of sale. You can also use some cards to pay for goods on the Internet.

It is necessary
a plastic card
Step 1
Payment for purchases by card on the Internet. There is a ccv-code on the back of the card: these are the last three digits in the row to the right. They are specially designed for online shopping. To pay for goods by card, you need to enter this code in a special field on the site. You will also need to fill in other information: account number, name on the card, expiration date.
Step 2
In general, it is recommended not to "shine" on the Internet the ccv-code of your card. In order to pay for goods on the Internet safely, it is better to issue a virtual card - this is a card that does not exist in reality, which has payment details that are accepted by all Internet terminals. You can also specify a limit for the amount of money for withdrawal for a virtual card: even if scammers intercept the ccv code, they will not be able to use your money. Virtual card issuance is a service provided by almost all banks. Check the conditions with your bank.
Step 3
Paying for goods in a regular store with a card can be much more convenient than using cash. The seller does not need to look for change, and you do not need to carry a bulky wallet with you. When paying, you need to give the card to the seller, and he will swipe it over the scanner. After that, one of two scenarios is possible. Either you will be given a device for entering the PIN code of the card, or a check on which you will need to sign that you really made this purchase. Do not allow the merchant to swipe the card a second or third time if the funds were not immediately debited. Funds may be delayed, and you will be debited several times. Do not tell anyone your PIN code. Some for security reasons don't even enter the pin code on the device, preferring to sign the check.