What is temporary disability? If we discard the official language, it means the word "sick leave" we are used to. If you are officially registered at work, an employment contract has been concluded with you, there is an entry in your work book, then you will definitely be paid an allowance for the time that you did not work due to illness. This is a social guarantee. Most of us strive to realize our social rights.

Step 1
Remember: if you are on sick leave, you have to pay for it. That is, you will not be left without money. There is one "but". If your work experience is less than 8 years, the benefit will be significantly lower than your average earnings.
Step 2
To calculate your temporary disability benefit, you need to know your daily earnings.
To calculate the average daily earnings from January 1, 2011, you need to know the average earnings for the last two years before the year of the insured event. For example, if you take sick leave in 2011, when calculating your average daily earnings, you will need to take all your income from which contributions to the Social Security Fund were made for 2009 and 2010.
The amount received must be divided by 730.
The formula for calculating the average daily earnings:
Average daily earnings = (average earnings 1 + average earnings 2) / 730
The maximum accrual base for one year is 415,000 rubles. All funds exceeding this amount are not taken into account.
Step 3
If your income for the specified period was less than the minimum wage fixed from June 1, 2011 in the amount of 4,611 rubles, or you had no official income at all, then the size of the average daily wage is calculated from the minimum wage.
Step 4
Next, you need to determine the amount of the daily allowance in the event of temporary disability. To do this, you will have to take into account your experience.
The following norm is enshrined in the legislation: if your work experience is less than 5 years, you will be credited only 60% of the average daily earnings, from 5 to 8 years - 80%, over 8 years - 100%.
Thus, the amount of the daily allowance = the average daily earnings / 100 * the required number (60, 80, 100)
Step 5
Now you need to find out the amount of sickness benefit that you will receive.
To do this, multiply the daily allowance by the number of days the employee was on sick leave.
The amount of the allowance has been calculated.