The way to get a million has long been no secret. Stephen Scott told about it in his book "Millionaire's Notebook". He started out by working for other people for a small salary.

Step 1
Take a promising job. It should be a work led by someone who can learn from. Stephen Scott worked in the department that prepared advertising campaigns. He saw from the inside all the stages of preparation and testing of good advertising.
Step 2
Have a great experience. Work until you are confident that you have mastered all the subtleties of the chosen case. Our hero learned to test advertising and constantly improve it, so that advertising increased sales.
Step 3
Save money. You must earn and save. You will need money to organize your business.
Step 4
Create your company and invest in your first project. Start doing what you did at work, only now do it for yourself, not your bosses. Stephen Scott reached out to former clients and offered his services. They didn't want to do business with a young firm, so Stephen suggested an experiment. If the advertisement fails, then all the costs will fall on the shoulders of his company. In fact, he risked all his money and could be left without anything. But he was not engaged in some new business, but in something that was well known. Therefore, the chances of success were great. And the project was successful.
Step 5
Save money. Now your income will increase, because the profits go to you, and not to your bosses, as at work. But do not rush to arrange a luxurious life for yourself. It's not a million yet, so save your money again for a larger project.
Step 6
Find a product that you can sell yourself. Now you must increase your profits even more. Previously, income came from advertising other people's goods. Now you need to get income not from advertising, but from your own sales. Successful advertising experience will help sell something of your own. Stephen Scott has compiled a list of requirements that an ideal product for sale must satisfy. He did not yet know what it could be. But constant searches have led to such a product.
Step 7
Get your first million. Invest all your previous experience and available funds in advertising your product now. This is where you get your first million. Stephen made an agreement with the manufacturer of the product and advertised. Test sales have shown that if you run ads to a large audience, then the income will be great. And so it happened. He applied this approach many times and earned more than one million.