Innovative management is a set of interrelated knowledge, actions and decisions on modern management, which is designed to form and develop innovative and technological progress.

Formation of the concept of innovative management
The basic principles of the scientific approach to management were formulated in the first half of the twentieth century. This is, firstly, the existence of a program of action. Secondly, the material and social organization. Thirdly, it is management. The administration must know its staff perfectly, familiarize itself in detail with the contracts concluded between the organization and the worker, regularly inspect the enterprise, and consult with chief employees on the most important issues. The fourth principle is coordination, which ensures coordination of actions of all structures of the organization.
Functioning of innovation management
One of the key parts of innovative management is the so-called forecasting, which is a scientifically based characteristic of a possible state of affairs and offers various ways of developing a particular object. The most difficult part of scientific forecasting is identifying potential costs and predicting quality. Another function of innovation management, planning, is directly related to the forecast. The result should be the definition of the goals of any activity, methods of work and deadlines. The latter are unambiguously determined. The important thing in planning is the allocation of priority tasks, hierarchy. The plan should be balanced and variable.
The organization is responsible for the formation of the structure of a particular activity. This function is designed to ensure the normal operation of the facility - to monitor the availability of the required number of personnel, equipment, funds, compliance with sanitary conditions, etc. The organization is associated with the accounting of time, costs, any features of the management system. In the modern world, accounting is often automated and itself periodically monitored from the outside.
An important function of innovation management is motivational activity that supports people and encourages them to work more efficiently. There can be many means for motivation, from material to moral. Managers should oversee the implementation and maintenance of this function. Control is a key process in management. It is a permanent process that monitors the overall progress of work.
One of the most important areas of control activity is the quality of work. Analysis is responsible for processing the results of planning, accounting and control. As a result of multi-stage decomposition and comparison of various indicators, a clear picture of the work done is created and future work is corrected.