They usually know less about the possibility of depositing the authorized capital of the company being founded with property than about the option with a savings account in a bank. At the same time, this method is simpler and less expensive for many. To use it, you only need to draw up the necessary papers.

It is necessary
- - the presence of relevant provisions on the authorized capital in the charter and the constituent agreement (the last document is needed if there are more than one founders);
- - property appraisal protocol;
- - the act of transferring property to the balance sheet of the enterprise.
Step 1
It is necessary to start with an assessment of the value of the property contributed to the authorized capital. In the case of a joint stock company, this is done by the board of directors. At the same time, he is obliged to involve an independent appraiser and cannot set a price higher than the one announced by him. It is easier to establish an LLC. An appraiser is needed when depositing property more expensive than 20 thousand rubles. At the same time, the minimum permissible authorized capital is 10 thousand rubles. In this case, it is necessary to draw up a protocol with the unanimous decision of the founders regarding the value of the property, signed by all of them. If there is only one founder, his sole decision is sufficient.
Step 2
The introduction of the authorized capital by property must also be registered in the relevant sections of the charter and the memorandum of association, if there are more than one founders. The charter may also stipulate which property can be contributed to the authorized capital, which is not. Samples of the necessary documents can be found on the Internet. These documents are usually standard, but no one will prohibit, if necessary, adjust the sample to fit your needs and agree on the resulting option with a lawyer or a consultant from an agency for the development of entrepreneurship.
Step 3
It will also be necessary to draw up an act of transfer of property to the balance sheet of the enterprise being founded. If there are more than one founders, each of them must sign the act. When all the necessary documents are ready, the problem of the authorized capital of your future enterprise is solved. So you can attach them to a package of other necessary papers and submit to the tax office.