In accordance with Article 246 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, organizations must calculate and pay income tax to the federal budget. In addition to Russian companies, foreign companies operating in Russia are recognized as payers. The income tax rate is 20%. You need to pay tax annually, and every quarter you have to calculate and pay advance payments to the budget.

Step 1
First, determine the taxable income of the organization. This includes revenue, non-operating income (for example, interest on a deposit, a positive exchange rate difference, the value of property received under a gratuitous contract, etc.). Remember that income received in the form of an advance payment is not included in the tax base in the event that the products are not shipped or work is not completed. Also, contributions of members of the company to the authorized capital, borrowed funds, funds of targeted financing are not income.
Step 2
Calculate the deductible expenses. They must be economically justified and documented. This can include the costs of manufacturing and selling products (for example, wages, depreciation of property, purchase of materials) and others. The deductible expenses do not include fines, penalties and other expenses specified in article 270 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.
Step 3
After the income and expenses are determined, calculate the profit of the organization for the third year. To do this, deduct expenses from income. If you had a loss last year, subtract it from your profit. Multiply the resulting number by the income tax rate (20%).
Step 4
Let's say you are selling food that you buy in another region. The revenue in the current year is 1,100,000 rubles. The cost of goods is 400,000 rubles. Costs include:
- staff salary - 120,000 rubles;
- rent for premises - 180,000 rubles.
Last year, the company had a loss in the amount of 20,000 rubles. Thus, taxable profit is calculated as follows: revenue (1,100,000 rubles) - cost of goods (400,000 rubles) - staff salaries (120,000 rubles) - lease of premises (180,000 rubles) - loss of previous years (20,000 rubles) = 380,000 rubles. This amount must be multiplied by the income tax rate: 380,000 rubles * 20% = 76,000 rubles.