The unstable economic situation in the world increasingly makes people think about how to save money earned. You can, of course, constantly complain about life and scold the government, but there are other, more rational ways of survival, for example, the prudent management of the family budget.

If the economic crisis has affected your family as well, and you fear that there is simply not enough money to cover all the bills and expenses, try new shopping and entertainment tactics.
Make a shopping list before going to the supermarket. At the same time, estimate the amount of money you will need in the store. Take exactly the same amount or a little more than this amount. Psychologists do not advise visiting grocery stores on an empty stomach, have a snack before gastronomic shopping, otherwise you cannot avoid unnecessary purchases.
To effectively save money, pay attention to products located not only at eye level, but also on the top and bottom shelves. Remember also that with the help of a variety of bright pictures, special window lighting, unusual packaging, etc. marketers strive to attract the greatest possible attention of buyers to their product. And somewhere very close, perhaps, there will be a product of equal quality and taste, but already in a more modest design and its price, accordingly, will be much lower. Do not fall for advertising gimmicks, do not overpay for the beautiful entourage of the product.
But you should pay attention to yellow or other color price tags signaling discounts! But only buy what you really need, and not everything, just because it is a promotional product.
How to save on food without harming your health? Easily! A cheap product is not always a bad one, remember this algorithm, and, conversely, an expensive product, alas, is not always famous for its quality.
Consider a simple example: when choosing cereals, for sure, you will give preference to bright boxes from well-known promoted brands, although they will contain the same raw materials as in nondescript packages from a less well-known manufacturer at a price 3-4 times less. Moreover, more expensive cereals can be additionally cleaned, steamed, etc. etc. But ask any nutritionist about the health benefits of these foods, and they will tell you that the most beneficial porridge for your health will be porridge made from raw materials that have undergone minimal processing and refining.
Make it a rule not to buy unnecessary items in the checkout areas. It is there that everything that is usually not very actively bought when located on ordinary supermarket shelves is exhibited.
Do not forget about the opportunity to taste delicious, but expensive dishes that you cannot afford right now for free. You will be able to do this at special free tastings, often held as part of advertising a product.
Plan a budget, distribute your income and expenses in advance for the month. Going to buy clothes, collect information about upcoming sales, find out the addresses of stores with affordable prices, believe me, the quality of goods in them sometimes is not inferior to things from elite boutiques.
If you are good at sewing and have a sewing machine at home, experiment with exclusive outfits for your wardrobe. It is not necessary to sew things from scratch, you can carry out various experiments, for example: making an ultra-stylish skirt from an out-of-fashion dress, etc.
How to save money on entertainment? If the issue of saving in your family is very serious, you will have to give up travel, going to bars, restaurants, theaters, etc. for a while. If you can satisfy your physical hunger by cooking something tasty in your kitchen, cultural hunger is more complicated and yet, there are no unsolvable problems.
Cinema and theater can replace home screenings of films and theatrical performances recorded on discs. Agree, buying a disc with a movie is still cheaper than going to the cinema for it. In addition, such a disc can be asked for a while from friends. You can even arrange a mutual friendly exchange of videos and music CDs with friends!
Another option for full-fledged spiritual development are special thematic TV channels that are part of satellite or cable television. By purchasing the appropriate equipment or making a relatively small monthly fee, you can provide yourself and your family members with excellent feature films, interesting theatrical performances and a variety of educational programs for many years.
In addition, in Moscow, and in many other large cities, there are often open days in museums, exhibitions, and cinemas. The main thing is to collect the necessary information in advance about the offered free cultural food and go!
Optimize your expenses for communication, internet, transport, etc. Collect information about the most favorable tariffs, programs, promotions, bonuses for you. Control your deductions for housing and communal services, try to pay everything on time, so that later you do not have to spend money to cover penalties.
The economic crisis is not a reason to indulge in despondency and depression. Learn to coexist in accordance with the new conditions of the surrounding world and enjoy life!