Every resident of the country in December 2018 was faced with the fact that, having come to the store, he saw the fabulous price of eggs. Such a sharp rise in prices did not leave anyone indifferent, and many hit the family budget.

It has always been believed that a person has three main products in everyday life - milk, bread and eggs. In every house, in every refrigerator, there were and are eggs. The prices for them, though high, were quite tolerable. However, in December 2018, residents of the country were faced with the fact that the price for a dozen eggs increased by several percent overnight. What is the reason for such a rise in prices?
The fact is that recently the production of chicken eggs in Russia has been growing and there have been many offers on the market. The surplus of the product forced manufacturers to sell them at cost, and in some cases even at a loss. After all, as you know, production cannot be stopped - this will greatly affect the market.
In addition, the pre-holiday excitement affected: many people bought food "far in advance" so as not to visit shops during the New Year holidays. So, on average, the price for a dozen rose by as much as 7%, and in some regions even by 10%. Experts consider this phenomenon to be temporary and seasonal. It is unacceptable that such a percentage of growth was in just one month, this can lead to a decrease in demand for the product.
Soon the holidays will end, and with them seasonal fluctuations and production costs will end. The price of eggs will drop a little, but it won't be the same.