What Are Fixed Assets

What Are Fixed Assets
What Are Fixed Assets

Fixed assets (fixed assets) are part of the organization's property used as means of labor in the production of products, as well as for managing it for a period exceeding 12 months, or one operating cycle if it is more than 12 months. Fixed assets are expensive objects. These include property, the value of which exceeds 40 thousand rubles.

What are fixed assets
What are fixed assets

Based on the definition of fixed assets, some of their features can be distinguished: - long term of use (more than 12 months); - high cost (over 40 thousand rubles); - the company has documented rights to them; - used for commercial use (production products, leasing, for management needs, etc.); - the use of the facility can bring economic benefits in the future; - the facility is not a commodity, i.e. not intended for resale. Fixed assets include several groups: buildings, structures, working power machines and equipment, measuring instruments and devices, computers, vehicles, tools, production equipment, productive and breeding cattle, perennial plantations, etc. Fixed assets are classified on a number of grounds. By design, they are production, i.e. those that are directly involved in the production process, and non-production ones that are not involved in the production process. These include buildings of the social and cultural sphere, for example, a kindergarten, which is on the balance sheet of an organization. In order to correctly calculate depreciation, fixed assets can be in operation, in stock, in conservation, in the stage of reconstruction, modernization, liquidation, etc. Depending on the rights that the enterprise has, fixed assets are divided into objects belonging to the right of ownership, under operational management, as well as received on lease. Such a division is necessary for the correct calculation of depreciation and property tax. For each item of fixed assets, a useful life is established. This is the period of time during which the use of fixed assets is capable of generating income for the organization or serves to fulfill other purposes of its activities. The unit of measurement of fixed assets is an inventory item with all its fixtures and fittings.
