The obligation of parents to support minor children is enshrined in the Family Code of the Russian Federation. Maintenance in the form of alimony must go to the account of the second parent in favor of the child from the defendant in a timely manner. If there is a debt, you can collect not only the entire amount of the principal debt, but also a penalty in the amount of 0.1% for each overdue day on payments (Article No. 115 of the IC RF).

It is necessary
- - application;
- - passport;
- - writ of execution and a photocopy;
- - voluntary notarial agreement and photocopy.
Step 1
If you have entered into a voluntary notarial agreement on the payment of alimony, it is subject to strict execution along with a court order. On the basis of a voluntary agreement or an executive sheet, payments should be credited to your account on a regular basis. You will receive the first amount no later than two months later.
Step 2
To collect the child support arrears, contact the bailiff service. Submit an application, present a writ of execution or a voluntary agreement and photocopies of the specified documents.
Step 3
The legal deadlines for collecting alimony arrears are two months. After one week, the bailiffs are obliged to start enforcement proceedings.
Step 4
You can collect the entire amount of debt in different ways. If the defendant has a job, a writ of execution for compulsory deductions from wages will be sent to his company. Alimony will be paid monthly to your account or sent to your postal address.
Step 5
In the absence of work, the alimony debt may be recovered from the defendant's bank accounts. To do this, the bailiffs will arrest them until the full repayment of the entire amount of the debt and compensation.
Step 6
Also, the entire amount of debt can be recovered through the sale of the debtor's property. The bailiffs are obliged to make an inventory and send the property for sale to pay off the alimony debt and compensation.
Step 7
Often there are situations when the debtor does not work, does not have bank accounts and property. This option for collecting alimony arrears is the most difficult, since the bailiffs simply have nothing to take. But the payment of child support is a duty that must be fulfilled. It can be removed only in the event of the death of the defendant or the child. In all other cases, it is payable.