Insurance has become a part of our life. If earlier the majority of Russian citizens got by with the compulsory medical insurance policy, now many resort to insurance against risks to life or property. Companies that provide such services subsist on a premium based on a tariff rate.

Step 1
The law "On the organization of insurance business in the Russian Federation" states that the insurance rate is the rate of insurance premium per unit of the insurance object or from the amount payable upon the occurrence of an insured event. The amount of the premium should cover possible claims during the validity period of the policy, the company's costs for servicing the contract. It should also bring profit to the insurer, as well as help build reserves.
Step 2
The size of the tariff is established by law, but the company calculates the tariff rate independently, because its financial stability largely depends on this. The structure of the full tariff is shown in Figure 1
Step 3
According to the method of forming the fund and calculating the tariff, all insurance can be conditionally divided into risky and accumulative. Such type of insurance activity (except for life insurance) is considered risky, in which the accumulation and payment of the amount at the end of the policy is not provided. Cumulative insurance is insurance, in which the amount is accumulated, and its payment is provided for during the period of the contract, both during the life of the insured and after his death.
Step 4
Risk insurance rates are the most difficult to calculate. They depend on several values: - q - the average amount for this type of insurance contracts; - S - the probability of an insured event; - Sv - the average amount of compensation for these types of insurance.
Step 5
The net rate consists of the basic and the risk premium: Tn = To + Tp.
Step 6
Find the basic tariff markup (To) using the formula shown in Figure 2
Step 7
The risk premium (Tp) depends on: - n - the number of contracts that the company will conclude during the period specified in the contract; - α (γ) - coefficient depending on the security guarantee. Tp is found according to the formula shown in Figure 3.