The corporate property tax is the average annual value of all property that is recognized as an object of taxation. That is, any immovable and movable property accounted for as an object of fixed assets on the balance sheet of an enterprise in accordance with the accounting procedure. In the calculations, the residual value of the property is used, which is formed in the accounting registers.

It is necessary
Movable and immovable property of the enterprise
Step 1
When creating a company, regardless of the month of creation, the residual value of the property is summed up on the first day of each month, and is divided by the date of the corresponding reporting or tax period. In the period when the company has not yet been created, the residual value of the property is zero.
Step 2
The tax is charged on all fixed assets, even those that are transferred to the company for temporary use, trust management or disposal. Each region of the country has its own rates for property tax of legal entities, but according to the Tax Code, the rate cannot be higher than 2.2%. In addition, businesses can differentiate the rate depending on the category of property.
Step 3
When calculating property tax, it is necessary to calculate the tax base, then multiply it by the established tax rate for the region. The amount and tax base is calculated separately in relation to the property of the unit, which has its own balance sheet and the property of the central enterprise. If the property is located on the territory of another region, then the tax base is calculated separately from the rest of the property.
Step 4
The average annual value is the tax base, which is determined based on the total tax period equal to the calendar year. The base can be calculated by adding the residual value of the object on the first day of the month and the last day of the tax period, then dividing by the total number of months, increased by one unit.
Step 5
Each reporting period during the year, the company must transfer advance tax payments. To calculate the amount of the advance payment, it is necessary to calculate the average value of the property for the reporting period, which is determined in the same way as the average annual one, only it is necessary to add the residual price on the 1st day of the next month instead of the residual price on the last day of the tax period.
Step 6
Calculations for advance payments and declarations must be submitted to the tax authority at the location of the central enterprise or a separate subdivision with a separate balance sheet, or at the location of the real estate object. In the event that a division of an enterprise does not have its own balance sheet, then it should be reported at the place of registration of the central enterprise.