How To Open An Investment Company

How To Open An Investment Company
How To Open An Investment Company

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An investment company is an organization licensed by the Federal Financial Markets Service (Federal Service for Financial Markets of Russia), which has the right to conduct dealer or brokerage operations. Simply put, it issues and sells securities, raising funds from investors. The finances collected in this way are then invested in stocks and securities of other enterprises, corporations, organizations. This is how investment companies finance many areas of today's economy.

How to open an investment company
How to open an investment company


Step 1

Perhaps, for Russia, investment companies are a fairly young type of activity. However, in other countries, the USA, Japan, European countries, investment markets are sufficiently developed, which allows the domestic investment business to develop successfully. Usually in Russia, investment companies are opened as open joint stock companies, which makes the issue (circulation) of securities more free and leads to more successful activities.

Step 2

In order to open an investment company, select the organizational and legal form of the future company, hold a general meeting of shareholders, draw up the minutes of the meeting, develop a package of constituent documents.

Step 3

Submit a copy of the meeting's decision, certified by a notary, to your local tax authority along with your application to register a legal entity - an investment company. On the basis of the received registration documents, put the company on record in all extra-budgetary funds.

Open a current bank account.

Step 4

Prepare and submit the necessary documents to the licensing department of the FSFM to obtain a license for your type of activity. In case of a positive decision, the license is issued for an unlimited period of time (Order of the Federal Service for Financial Markets dated July 20, 2010 No. 10-49 / pz-n "On approval of the regulation on licensing requirements and conditions for carrying out professional activities in the securities market").

Step 5

In accordance with Federal Law No. 39-FZ “On the Securities Market”, you can obtain a license for dealer, brokerage, depository activities or for securities management activities. Receive a notification about the decision to issue licenses to your investment company; get an extract from the register of licenses, which contains the numbers of the license forms and the investment company license forms themselves.

Select competent personnel and form the staff of the investment company.
