A stroller with inflatable wheels certainly has significant advantages, but also significant disadvantages, one of which is a puncture of the wheel. This problem is quite common and unpleasant, and it always happens, as luck would have it, at the most inopportune moment!

How and where to fix a wheel
If a wheelchair wheel is punctured, you need to contact any tire service as soon as possible, where they will repair or replace the wheel. You can also come with this question to a sports store, they will also easily fix your problem. If a sports store sells bicycles, then they certainly can help with stroller wheels, because tires and cameras from children's bicycles are often purchased for the stroller. It is advisable, of course, not to ride a wheelchair with a punctured wheel, except to the nearest repair point.
You can also glue the punctured camera at home. It is better for a man to do this, a woman with a child already has enough to do. Take the problem wheel, remove the tire from it. Immerse the camera in a basin of water and see where the bubbles go - this is the puncture site. It can be sealed by carefully applying a patch from a small piece of an old camera. After you glue it with strong glue, dip the camera back into the water to make sure you fix it properly. If punctures happen regularly, think about whether you should change your tires, they tend to wear out. It is advisable, of course, to be more careful and not to walk with a stroller on broken roads.
Be sure to purchase a pump. But not a bicycle one, you cannot pump a wheel with it, but a small foot pump. And if you bought a bicycle, then buy a hose for a car pump for it. The fact is that from time to time, the wheels of the stroller are deflated, and they need to be pumped up, if for this you always go to a tire service or to a sports store, then you can go broke, because, of course, all these services are paid. By the way, put the pump in the pallet of the stroller and carry it with you for a walk, if the wheel is punctured, you can pump it up so that you can take the stroller to the repair point without any problems.
How to walk without a stroller
While the stroller is being repaired, you can walk with your child, wearing it in a sling or a carrier backpack, this is also very convenient. Of course, these innovations will not replace the stroller, but you will not have to sit at home while the stroller is being repaired. The child needs to take a walk every day, so if you are the owner of a stroller with inflatable wheels, play it safe and buy a carrier backpack or sling, because no one is safe from a punctured stroller wheel. But the best puncture protection is solid, cast wheels, they certainly are not in danger!