Repurchase and further sale of cars is a rather interesting, demanded, but also a specific business. If the assessment is made incorrectly, all factors of car restoration are not taken into account, your purchase will become unprofitable. When thinking about opening a car dealership, you need to have complete information and have start-up capital.

Step 1
Study the market situation: competitors, car prices, supply and demand ratio. Choose your niche, for example, buy only faulty cars and do not accept cars that have been in accidents. Make a working financial plan for your business. Execute tax documents that entitle you to the chosen type of activity.
Step 2
Find and prepare for work a place to repair the purchased cars, this can be a rented space, your garage. The main thing is that there are all the tools, paint, additional parts. Buy everything you need in a small amount, adjust the package in the process.
Step 3
Invite a qualified employee (partner) who can professionally diagnose, evaluate the goods, calculate the cost of repairs. Agree on permanent cooperation with a car service or hire your own personnel for repair work. Often an outwardly unsightly cleaned up car can be sold for one and a half times more.
Step 4
Engage in advertising - place announcements in local media, post announcements near service stations, car dealerships (first agree with their owners about consent). Register on the car exchange, post information about the service on the sites.
Step 5
Start by buying out old, cheap brands such as Zhiguli. Buy two or three of these cars, bring them back to normal and sell them for one hundred percent profit. Gain experience on domestic models, then switch to foreign cars, the resale income will increase.
Step 6
Before concluding a transaction, carefully inspect and diagnose the condition of the goods. Do not rely on the seller's assurances, it is much more expedient to be sure of real defects than to lose your own funds. Conduct the assessment in a well-lit area. Check the little things: bulbs, buttons, turn signals. Their repair is rather laborious and expensive. Pay attention to the work of the shock absorbers, the appearance of the tires, open and close the doors several times.