How To Get A Webmoney Wallet

How To Get A Webmoney Wallet
How To Get A Webmoney Wallet

Table of contents:


People who are planning to actively buy or sell something on the Internet cannot do without their own WebMoney wallet. And in order to purchase it, you need to go through the registration procedure. Having filled in all the required fields of the registration form, you will acquire your own WMID - an identifier in the WebMoney system. Moreover, one person can legally have several different WMIDs, and in each of them there are several wallets in different currencies.

How to get a webmoney wallet
How to get a webmoney wallet

It is necessary

  • - a computer;
  • - internet connection;
  • - mobile phone.


Step 1

Go to the page and enter your valid mobile phone number. Linking your mobile will give you the opportunity to confirm payment transactions in the future and restore your password in the system if you forget it. In addition, if you register without specifying a mobile phone, a number of financial restrictions will be imposed on your wallet

Step 2

Enter your personal data on the next page by hand or import it from your account in one of the social networks. Be sure to enter a valid email address, otherwise you will not be able to confirm your registration in the system. Indicate your full name strictly, as in your passport, otherwise you will not be able to cash out your own funds later. All fields should be filled in, except for the address of your own website.

Step 3

Confirm your registration in the WebMoney system by clicking on the link from the letter you received, or enter the registration code by hand into a special form on the site.

Step 4

Enter the verification code from the received SMS in the field on the next page.

Step 5

Check again that the data you entered are correct and come up with a password to enter the system. Enter the verification code from the picture and click OK.

Step 6

Click on the "can be created" link in the row and select the currency for your first WebMoney wallet. Ruble accounts are designated by the abbreviation WMR, payments in US dollars will be made through the WMZ wallet, for the euro, you should create a WME wallet. To create additional wallets, click on the "+" sign next to the already created ones.

Step 7

Remember the numbers of the wallets you created. To receive funds for them, you will need to inform all the numbers of the number and the Latin letter in front of them to your counterparties - people and organizations from which you plan to receive money transfers.

Step 8

Change your account settings on the Menu page. You can adjust the security parameters: change the password, select the main wallet management program (connect another version of the WebMoney Keeper program - after completing the registration, you will have Keeper Mini installed), enable / disable confirmation of payment transactions via SMS, etc. All detailed information can be found in the WebMoney help system.
